Fears | Bang Chan

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Idol: Chan (stray kids)
Genre: Fluff + angst
Warnings: mention of suicide and rape
Word count:950


I was curled up in my single bed, crying a river as another lightning bolt strike. I squealed in fear and stumbled off my bed and hitting the floor making a loud thud noise, I then searched for a corner to hide and cry in. I've always been terrified by storms, wether it's the trauma, or just the thunder noises. I gathered up all of my courage and quickly grabbed my phone and checked the time, 13:45 according to the phone. With shaky and trembling hands, I started messaging my boyfriend Chan.

Private messages

Chan?? Where are you??

I'm scared

Can you come quickly?


Y/n is offline

With little than less hope, I started curling up myself in a corner with a blanket and cried more and more, by every lightning strike, making my tears flow even harsher. You see, I used to love the rain, I always thought that it was so relaxing and meditating. Until one night, where I was raped. In the rain. All wet. By 5 men. All of those thoughts just come back to me whenever a storm kicks up. I look at my hand, which had bruise marks, from the 5 guys that assaulted me, and touched them lightly, and suddenly slapped them. Making me sting in pain. I cried even harder, making those memories even more vivid, to the point where I was talking as if I was back there. I couldn't hear the front door open, because I was too scared and was basically having a meltdown. My bedroom door opened and my boyfriend of 4 years, Chan stood right at the frame of the door.

" Yah! Y/n! I'm here" he said while rushing over to me

" No! No! Get away from me! I don't wanna be raped!" I kicked and yelled while closing my eyes

" Shhh, baby, it's me Chan" he said slowly and lovingly

I slowly looked up and saw that beautiful dimpled smile, that my boyfriend Chan had. I immediately slung my arms around his shoulders, crying into his sweater. He slowly patted my back, with a soft circular motion up and down my back.

" Shh, it's going to be fine, I'm here babe" he spoke

I just cried into his sweater more, just as I thought the rain was over, and I successfully gathered my emotions. One awfully huge thunder bolt struck loudly. I shrieked and cried back on his shoulders, even louder.

"Hey,hey I know that you have bad experiences with rain, but I'm here now. Im here to protect you, don't you forget that" he said reassuringly while patting back on me.

" Y-you d-dont know what t-that f-felt like" I said while crying

" Shh,shh it's okay, cry it all out. There you go" he said slowly and with a very lovely tone

I started to reassure my posture, and with time, my tears started to dry, and so as the rain. As the rain started to go away, I finished crying, and slowly looked at my boyfriend. There he was, sitting and comforting me all the time, I felt so grateful to have a boyfriend like him.

" I should just die" I mumbled

" Hm?" Chan asked

" I said, I should just die!" I raised my voice

" Why do you say that babe?" He asked worrily

" I'm just a burden to you, I interrupted your schedule to just calm me down, I'm just a useless piece of shit!" I said slapping myself

My hand was stopped right as I was about to slap myself again

" Don't ever say that! Ever!" He said raising his tone

I kinda shrieked in shock, because of his voice.

" Don't ev-ver s-say that!" He said started to tear up

" Channiee, hajimaa, you're gonna make me cry again" I said holding back my tears.

" You are NOT shit, you're perfect to me. Remember that" Chan said making my face light up

I started to sniffle and shoved my head into my boyfriend's chest, since I was much smaller than him. I felt as I was the luckiest guy in the world, to have a boyfriend as caring as Chan.

" Gomawo Chan, Thank you for everything." I lifted my head and stared at him

" I'd give my world for you" he said while smirking

" Yah... That's to cheesy channiee" I playfully punched him

He collapsed to the floor pretending to be hurt, I just laughed and stared at him.

" Do you wanna get some boba?" He asked

" What kind??" I asked back

" Your favorites of course 😉" he winked

" Ew, I never knew Chan could be dirtyy... " I laughed at him

" Yeah sure, let's get some boba :)" I said smiling warmly at him

" Ne, I'll see you at the living room then!" He playfully said, as he skipped his way back to the living room

" I'd give my whole world to you too Chan ♥️" I said silently


Hey biss! I'm back from the dead (again), I'm sorry for not posting as regularly. And there isn't really any excuse (and I oop- 👀), I just had a massive creativity block. And just couldn't think of a story, so this shit is what I rambled and I hope it's good still. So yeah! I'm still working on my 2K (it's crazy, how I'm almost at 3K already) special... So yeah! Stay tuned and bye biss! 👋

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