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Finally,I am here in my husband's room
We will start a life together and live happily ever after.

We will finally live as husband and wife
And have a love close to Prophet Muhammad (saw) and Aisha (ra).

I smiled when Malak brought me out of my thoughts by clicking her fingers infront of my face

"You are already day dreaming!you are a goner"Malak teased chuckling and adjusting my lafaya

I just chuckled and looked at her In admiration
She is a rare creation,taking care of five children and she still looks like the first time she left home
Oh okay...just a little change,she's just chubbier.

She took my hands into hers and we sat at the edge of my bed
"I am here for you,always and forever.marriage life is not easy at all
It comes with the ups and downs
You will get to know Kamil more,he wouldn't give you just love afar but near
The good thing about this you both love each other and pray you last together forever"she said softly

"Like you and Kamal"I blurted

"Well,like any other couple in the world"she replied smiling

"Mummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"we heard a squeal outside

"I need to go,Farha might be in trouble.that girl is more naughty than Ayan now and well
He taught her
I wouldn't blame her"Malak said letting go

"See you tomorrow,cause Kamil will be back anytime soon"she added getting up

"Farha!Aayan!Zahra and Huda!you all are suppose to be sleeping by now"I heard her scold the moment she closed the door

"We just wanted Aunt Yusra to tell us village tales"I heard Ayan say

"Village children,lets go"she said strictly

I burst into laughs while the sound of their  footsteps fade away

After few minutes of looking around and still my nervousness never stopped

"Calm down Yusra
It's Kamil,ya Kamil?your best friend
Your Prince Charming,your husband?"I said to my image at the mirror

Suddenly,I heard Kamil asking for the keys
Wait,he is back !
Where should I hide?i grabbed my phone to call Malak then i quickly ran into the closet.
My heart was beating fast

"Kamal,who came into my room?"I heard Kamil ask

"Maybe the cleaners,I leave you to relax.and try informing your wife you are back yeah?"Kamal said with a playful tone
Like he is trying to laugh

I panicked trying to silence my phone before he dials my number but Malak called instead and I immediately silenced my phone.

"Alright,good night"Kamil said and I heard the door closed

I decided to text Malak instead

"You are hiding here?really Yusra?"Kamil asked looking all Masha Allah
I was texting Malak I didn't pay attention to the door

I was shocked
Woah I wanted to surprise him
Now I am the one surprised

"Welcome back!"I said  excitedly getting up from the stool

He burst into laughs grabbing my hands and we walked outside

"You know I am a good observer,the room smells like your favorite perfume and Ayan gave me a clue"he replied right before I asked him

"That boy cannot keep a secret,act surprised then!"I said smiling

He lets go of my hands and placed his palms on his mouth with eyes wide opened
Acting surprised

I burst into laughs,my nervousness all gone

"Is this my wife?Yusra?you are all grown up,I married you when you were nine"he said pulling my cheeks

"Okay you are over reacting!"I exclaimed

"Sorry"he said trying to hide his smile

"What did you buy for me this time around?"I asked suddenly

"Yusra,I thought brides are shy"he teased

"Stop it!"I cried trying to cover my face with the edge of my lafaya

"I'm just joking,I bought you a whole store"he said walking up to his box

"Well...almost"he replied before I asked really
One of the things I love about him
He answers my question before I voice it

We smiled sharing a contact

I found home in his home,Kamil
My perfection.

Okay that's Yusra for you!!!i remembered how little she was when I started writing Malak and here she is
Wish her luck

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Yusra is back!!!!!

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