New beginings

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Is what we have been feeling for the past three days
Turns out Kamil regained his memory due to an almost accident incident on his way to the masjid the day of the wedding Fatiha

"Ouch!"Kamil exclaimed falling on the grass and the children jumped on him laughing and giggling

Today we were having a family time at the garden
I kept the tray carrying the drinks on the table while Malak kept the snacks then she sat next to her husband with a smile

"I forgot my drugs inside"Dad informed looking up from his newspaper

"I will go get it"I said walking back inside
Turns out the drugs was on the cupboard in his room due to the mischievous grand children he has

I tip toed and stretched my hands to carry it when I felt someone's presence behind

"I thought you aren't tired of seeing me"Kamil whined like a child

I chuckled moving back then he carried it and handed it to me

"Thank you"I said smiling and held my hands before saying "I miss you"
As if we have been away for years

I placed my lips on his cheek softly and turned around

"Nazifa and her son were sent home safely.the nurse and doctors license were seized"he informed as we walked side by side

"I'm glad she's with her son,while she serves in volunteering works,I wouldn't want him to experience separation esp when she is his only parent.good thing she promised to build their relationship"I said thoughtfully

"That's the greatest gift you can give a son"he said with so much admiration making my heart to skip

He reached out to hug me and i gave in

"How about after this family time we meet me in our room?i want you to read me more feels different when you read them"he said smiling

"I will love to"I agreed as we approached our family


Later in the day,we are back in our room
My head on his laps as he plays with my braids

"...And i found a new beginning
It's has always been you
You and i
Have no ends
Just beginnings" I read softly

"My wife is such a talent,i can't wait for your book cover to be ready and you join the authors league"he said excitedly and smiled seeing how happy he is

"I appreciate your support my dear husband.i will ask Allah to unite us in Jannah
You are a blessing to me
Your support,your love,your patience and care
I wouldn't trade it for anything"I added holding his hand

"Even when people think I'm your uncle"he said jokingly

"They are just jealous!"i exclaimed caressing his beards

He started tickling me then it turned to caressing
As the clock tick and ticks
We drowned in each other's love
Softly and slowly till we sailed to the land of new beginnings.

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