This is everything

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I opened my eyes to meet with a smiling Kamil face

"My Yusra,bless the day I met you"he whispered and I blushed closing my eyes shyly

"It's time for prayer,Get up"he said and I looked around confusedly

"I don't know how I woke up in the bed,I thought we were discussing something on the sofa"I said with my brows furrowed

"Yeah you slept off,I carried you here"he narrated then winked

I smiled feeling really shy and he chuckled getting up.


"Good morning Aunty Yusra,good morning Uncle Kamil"Aayan greeted helping Farha adjust her back pack as they are all dressed for school

"Good morning big boy"I greeted back while Kamil brushed his palm through his hair as a reply

The nanny walked in
informing Malak that the driver is here to take the children to school

"Alright be good girls and boy"Malak instructed with a smile

"Why can't I go to school?"Muhammad asked
For three year old,he was pretty smart

"Next year in sha Allah"Kamal assured and he frowned

"Bye Mum,bye Dad"Aayan said walking out and they smile in response

"Mum can I wear that new dress you bought for me when we are back from school?"Farha asked innocently
She loves dressing up

"Okay my love"Malak said smiling

"Me too"the twins said

I wonder how they talk at the same time

"Okay babies,go don't be late for school"Malak said kissing their foreheads one by one

They all ran after Aayan while Muhammad followed his nanny upstairs

"So how was your night?"Kamal asked curiously "Together"he added smiling

Malak glared at him adjusting her veil And he laughed nervously

"Kamal,you are late for a doctor"Kamil reminded
Malak handed Kamal's white coat to him and he Carried some files

"Don't be so hard,we will leave the house for you two"he said with a smirk
Malak disappeared to the kitchen

"Where is Dad?"I asked trying to avoid Kamal's eyes

"He is having Backache,so I told him to have breakfast in bed"he answered

"Oh that's bad,we will check on him after breakfast"Kamil said placing his hand on mine softly

I nodded

"Take care you two"Kamal said and Kamil gave him a thumb up

"Should I stay or you will be fine?"Malak's sisterly instinct asked and I smiled

"I'm here Malak,don't worry"Kamil said breaking the silence

She still gave me a hug before waving good bye

We smiled but I could here Kamal asking softly
"Do you think they finally became one?"

"Kamal why are you suddenly curious like Muhammad,let's go"Malak retorted holding his hand

"I just want neices and nephews"he said again

"You have enough from Fareeda and Fareed"she reminded

Kamil chuckled shaking his head
Oops,he heard them too

Kamil served us breakfast in one plate as we eat happily

If you are thinking about what Kamal was thinking
No,we didn't do it
For now What I share with Kamil is everything

"Open up"he said trying to feed me and I smiled
Opening my mouth

See I told you is everything

I know it's a short chapter
I'm just trying to refresh my memory before the really story begins
Naimah 💚

Life of  YUSRA  (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now