Welcome home

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Kamil's belongings were shifted to an empty room downstairs to avoid the stress of climbing up and ofcourse anything that will remind him of me in that room.
Our room was locked until further notice

"Welcome home son"Dad said smiling and their father-son hug

"Thank you dad"he smiled with Kamal and Hashim trailing behind

He glanced at me and i gave him a sad smile,he smiled back sitting on a couch and exchanging greetings with Father and mother.

"You look so chubby seems like you were enjoying in that hospital"Fareed teased
And his wife Hanan smiled standing next to Fareeda

"What!!!I hated that place,Alhamdulilah I'm here"Kamil said with a grateful smile then sighed

Nazifa rushes into the living with her son,Rayan
And he gave me a toothy smile before glancing at Kamil

Yes,we have been bonding a lot since she wasn't around to take care of him
He will sleep off on my bed,Sometimes i would feed him with the other kids,play with them,we will water the green house together and lots more
I forgot his mother was my problem
But come to think of things,Kamil wouldn't still recognize me if she wasn't in the picture.

"Look at my son,Masha Allah"Kamil gushed the moment He took Rayan in his arms

Kamil began tickling him and he started laughing
The rest of the kids ran to the living room to see their uncle

"Aayan look at you,all grown and handsome"Kamil said and Aayan smirked sitting next to him

"You must be our Farha"he said the moment she stepped forward to hold his hand and she nodded excitedly making him to chuckle

"And our twins,Fatima and Rukaiya"he said and the twins giggled fighting for a space near their uncle

While Muhammad Alamin Handed his teddy bear to Rayan
"Ah our Muhammad Alamin"Kamil said smiling and pulling his cheeks

"I can't wait to create more memories with you"he added softly

Aayan got up and walked to where I'm standing then  whispered "why is uncle not talking to you instead he is talking to that bad Aunty?"

"Uncle lost his memory remember?"I reminded him with a whisper

He nodded then I added "he can't remember getting married to me"

"That's bad,we will get through together Aunt"he encouraged taking hold of my hand

And couldn't help but let a tear slide,Aayan has grown so matured
Faster than his age,i am proud of him

I looked around and everyone seemed busy in their world
Malak,Fareeda and Hanan were already in the kitchen.Mother was catching up with her series
Kamil,Kamal,Hashim and Fareed were discussing football
While Nazifa operating on her phone,The kids running around

Lastly,Dad and father were discussing current affairs
Fareed and Fareeda left their kids at home though so it's not a complete full house but it's a full house
I decided to get back to my room and let some words flow


"Thanks for coming,see you tomorrow in school for the test"i said after Sumayyah gave me a hug
I told her everything,she has been a good friend i couldn't hide it from her

"Take care,if you need to talk to someone
I'm one call away"she assured with a smile

"In sha Allah"

She entered her car and I walked into the house to find the kids running

"What is going on here?"I asked checking the time

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