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I stared at the journal in my hands,i just wrote my first poem and it's about love.
I can't wait to read it to the person i wrote it for
I attended a poetry club meeting and i knew poetry has always been a home
So i decided to dive in,got some pdfs and here we are
My first ever piece

The house is quiet everyone was out,i couldn't
I got up from the library and walked to the my room
I kept my side bag and the books then removed my shoes
Sitting on the bed with a sigh

My phone beeped and Sumyyah's message came in,i chuckled then replied
Suddenly i heard sound of someone sniffling
I got scared but wanted to check so I checked under the bed and no one
Checked under my study table and my heart skipped

"Mummy gone,i alone"Nazifa's son said shaking and it took me few seconds to study some of his features
He was no doubt a beautiful child

"My God you scared me kid!"i exclaimed and he looked at me like i was some kind of Alien
I made him come out then sat on the carpet with him

"How on earth will your mom leave you alone?"I asked him my mind all confused

He stared at me before he said "sleeping"

"Oh you were sleeping and she didn't tell anyone?if i had a cat i would carry it around let alone a child"i said cluelessly

He yawned scratching his eyes

I guess he is hungry
This innocent child trapped in the middle of his mother's love and her greed

"Mummy Bad"he said with a frown

"Okay let's go get you something to eat"i said sadly getting and motioned him to follow
I wouldn't hate him because of his Mother
I wasn't raised that way,truth always prevails so we await

Reaching the kitchen I decided to make oat for him
Is the easiest thing to feed a child i made him sit
On the baby chair
And after some minutes of silence i placed a bowl of oat in front of him
That's when he smiled

"Okay let's feed you so you can go play or something"I said smiling

I let it cool down a bit before lifting the spoon to his mouth and he happily ate
When i was almost done feeding him he insisted i have a spoon i shook my head laughing
he giggled and that was when i fell deep for his cuteness

After feeding him i switched on cartoon for him and I laid there enjoying some peace and quiet
until my mind was stolen by sleep

The third update took an extra day cause I was very tired yesterday
And very busy this afternoon
Anyways Eid Mubarak to my muslim readers
May Allah accept our ibadah
Untill then stay safe and keep reading

Vote :I feel encouraged
Comment:I feel motived
Share:I feel excited


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