The steps that never returned (ii)

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I opened my eyes slowly before looking around,I was back in our room and Malak was sitting at the edge of the bed

"Oh I had this bad dream,I can't even say the things that happened"I said laughing but she still had a straight face
Oh no my worst fear shouldn't come true.

"It was not a bad dream,except.Kamil wasn't dead he slipped into coma
Between life and death"she said breaking things down one by one for me
And I felt like she was piercing my heart with an arrow

"No!!!!!!!!!!"I finally exclaimed
And she took me into her arms immediately as I cried out

"Yusra,I know what happened is bad but think about your have to be strong for you,for Kamil and for everyone"I heard her say softly

Ya Allah,please I need that ease you promised


I walked into the hospital ward
There he is,calm and collected.except his eyes aren't opening
And his lips are not forming into a smile

I wiped the tears rushing down my cheeks before approaching him

"Listen to me,you can't be this are fighting you hear me?you are fighting it
You are coming back to me
We have a lot of things to catch up with
Please Kamil,please"I cried loudly taking hold of his hand
Wishing he would magically wake up after my touch
But they lied
The movies I watched lied!he didn't move a bit
Everything was the same

I recalled watching steps as they fade away
He said he did return
But they never returned.

Don't kill me!!!he is back
Well kind of

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