New face (ii)

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"We met in my university,Kamil loved visiting new places and new people
He says it gives him ideas on what to write"she said with a smile
And i already felt jealous on how well she knows him

"I was in my two hundred level,microbiology and we bumped into each other.i actually was on scholarship
my parents died the year i finished secondary school
Being the only child my uncle suggested i applied for scholarships
They promised to check on me,send money
Anyways let me cut the story short.
He was the first person I came across that reminded me of home,Kamil told me about his wife and how she is still young.We were friends
He would drop by the student house i live in and we will discuss and know each other more
Untill one night
It just happened but Kamil will always be good he stood up to his mistake and accepted his child"she said then took a deep sigh
Dad couldn't stand the information so he sat on the sofa
We all were trying to process the information,Kamil wouldn't do this i whispered to myself

"You know Doctor Beverly?"she asked Kamal breaking the silence that lingered for some seconds

"Yeah he used to visit her office when he was in London a lot"Kamal replied then glanced at my expression

"Well,we did dna tests with her help
Kamil started suspecting the child so she did three tests just to be sure,he never trusted me"she said with a bitter laugh looking around
All we did was studied her next move

"Here are the photographs from every doctor visit
And his birth certificate and Kamil's could contact her to be sure,she is a very good friend of him you know,She wouldn't lie"she said placing the photographs on the table and the birth certificate
Like it's some kind of trade fair

"I also..."she began but i interrupted with a question "What do you want ?"i had enough of her talks

"Ah aren't you Smart Yusra?"she said glancing at my direction with a smirk
Kamal,Malak and Dad heads turned to my direction

"Tell me what you want
The extra talking is giving me headache"I said feeling all sorts of emotions at once
I know Kamil wouldn't do this but why is the proofs looking so real

"I want my son to have his place
He is the heir no doubt,Kamil never considered him an illegitimate
He was waiting for the right time to break things to you"she said with folded arms

"So we should allow a two years old to handle all the companies"Kamal said looking frustrated

"Nah...she should concentrate on school and I would take care of what my son deserve before his father wakes and breaks everything to you"Nazifa said gathering her proofs and placing them into her bag

"Fine!"i exclaimed

"Can i know where me and my son will live?"she asked looking around

"Pick any free room downstairs"Kamal said walking out angrily
Malak wanted to come stay with me but i shook my head
Motioning towards the Door and she rushed out

Dad left to his room without saying anything
I followed giving him a tight lipped smile

"You need go take your medicine on time"I said bringing out his tablets from the drawer

"You too dear"he said sadly
I nodded and he looked like he had a lot to say but his health was stopping him
His blood pressure keeps fluctuating from the high to low
Few days ago I was trapped in my emotions
Forgetting others but not anymore
Besides he is a father to me

"Thank you,may Allah bless you
I'm still finding it hard to digest this"he said placing his hand on my head gently

"only Kamil knows the truth and when he wakes
He will face it and tell us everything"I confessed ignoring the pain in my chest
"For now we have to keep seeing a new face"i added my mind drifting away.

Let's all pray Kamil wakes up
He is the only answer to this mystery
In the mean time check out "his iman"
By Ramlasiraj

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