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I froze but in the background i could hear arguments from different voices

My destiny seems different first my husband wants to marry another woman
But it gets more turns when he wants to marry off his wife

I ran off not able to take the voices anymore and let the comfort of my bed embrace me as fresh tears roll down my cheeks


"She has regained consciousness"was all i heard the moment i saw the hospital light
I was unconscious again

"What happened again"i asked exhaustedly while trying to sit up

"Its nothing you just fainted due to the stress"Malak said trying to fight tears from rolling down her cheeks

"Mal you are lying"i said looking at her then Kamal

"Why will you say so?"she asked faking a laugh

"Tell me the truth"i urged with a straight face

"Just tell her, she is a strong girl"Kamal said rubbing her shoulder

"You are going to be needing surgery again Yus.."she started but i couldn't let her finish so I asked


"No calm down, I am not done.the cardiologist said you are going to be on a trial medication
If it doesn't work then the last option is surgery"she completed holding on to my hand tightly

"Oh my!i know my heart can't take another surgery.its tired, broken"i said tears escaping from my eyes

"Don't  say that be positive"Kamal said with an encouraging smile

Door opens and Kamil walked in with Nazifa
I wonder what she poisoned him to again

"Im glad you are awake, don't worry i will make sure i convinced dad to let you be with the one you love"was the first thing he said to me and Nazifa of course had an evil smile
Someday i will wipe it off her face

"Kamil!what is wrong with you?"Kamal asked glaring at his twin
"You are going to make her situation worst, can you stop acting stupid all the time.its getting to me
Regain your senses back!the truth is crystal clear"he added angrily pointing at me

"Kamal! Calm down, can we all go out and discuss this calmly?"Malak asked
While I laid back and forced my self to sleep


Kamal came up with a psychological theory of playing along with Kamil maybe along the wedding events he will regain his memory

He proposed we create scenes that happened between me and him
It's like reminding him but not with words just actions

Yusuf and his father agreed to play along after a lot of convincing from dad turns out they are just two in their family
And since its not real just so that Kamil will regain his memory

Though his father said something about informing someone very important in Yusuf's life and Yusuf rolled his eyes

There was a knock my door and I dropped my pen to go open the door

"As salam alaikum"he greeted
He was looking as handsome as always

"Wa alaikumus salam"i greeted back trying to look annoyed

"I know you have been avoiding me, I guess we are brother in law and sister in law that just don't get along.
I wanted to know if you are okay with the events Nazifa planned"he said calmly and recalled the list i was given three days back

"Let me see picnic,yes
Fatiha, yes definitely no wedding without that
So I will go with just those two things"i said
We had a simple wedding, I have always loved a simple wedding

"Why do you get along with so many other people not me
Is not like im jealous but something in me just doesn't feel easy"he said trying to cover up his jealousy with English
Fortunately i am an English student
He is so jealous

Just then i stepped closer to him, looking into his eyes and said"Go solve that puzzle out, i will be right here writing poems for my husband"

"Well, he is not your husband yet"he said looking back at me intensely

"What do you know?"was all i asked with a smirk
And the eye contact contest continued

And right then one of the twins screamed out of pain
I wonder what play those girls have been up to
I could hear Malak scolding the boys
They must be in their play room

"Let me break this eye contact with have a nice day"i said pushing him a little
i got back into the room and burst into laugh after closing the door

Nazifa can try all she wants, this little girl is going to bagged her degree and get back with her husband
By hook or by crook
Good way hook or by crook

Here is another chapter
I am so sorry was supposed to give triple update but my room mate who is also my closest friend in school fell ill

Maybe not a double or triple
But I want this story short so i will try my best to finish it this month so I can work on others

Thank you for your patience

With love

Life of  YUSRA  (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now