Anniversary (I)

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A week later

I walked into the room
Greeted all the people present until my eyes met with a very healthy looking Kamil,though i tried my best to use school to avoid him
But i couldn't I'm always checking on him when i know his attention is not with me

He had to take drugs and do regular check ups
As for Nazifa she is still in charge and Kamil didn't mind
He said she can continue till he recovers and since she is the mother of his only son,he trusts her

"So,we are planning a wedding anniversary party for Father and mother
We want everyone to contribute to the surprise
Dad already suggested we do it after Isha prayers"Kamal explained while I stole glances at Kamil

"I will help with the catering"Malak said raising her hand excitedly

"Me too"Fareeda and Hanan said in unison then exchanged smiles

"We will find the venue"Hashim and Fareed said in unison

"And I will do the transporting"Kamal said writing down some notes perhaps names

"Okay fine i will do the decorations"I said accepting defeat since it's the only thing left

"You can't do it alone,i will help"Kamil said and i shook my head to disagree but he had a straight face

"She's not a kid Kamil"Kamal said faking annoyance

"I know but i will help"he insisted
I noticed Kamal and Malak secretly giving each other thumbs up

I see this was a plan to bring me and Kamil closer I guess

"Okay then,let's start planing it's Friday and the anniversary is on Sunday"Fareed urged smiling

"We only have now to find a venue,tomorrow to do the cooking and decorating"Kamal chipped in

"Let's do this!"Fareeda exclaimed and Hashim smiled admiring his wife


The next day,i left for the venue to start as early as possible to avoid staying alone with Kamil for long

"Wow, i see you are here"a familiar voice said
And i turned to his direction holding up the flowers

"I was done with the poetry classes early"i said trying to avoid eye contact because i lied
And he smiled looking around

"Someday i would love to listen to your poems or why not publish it?i have a feeling you are a beautiful writer
Maybe cause i dreamt you recited a piece to me"he said trying to put up the lights decoration
And i let out a nervous laugh, i wish i could tell him it was not a dream

"In sha Allah" was all i could say and begin to arrange the chairs and tables

Before i know it, time flew and we were done with the decorations two hours later

"We did a great job, we make a great team"Kamil said excitedly like a child that was given a birthday gift

I smiled admiring his child like soul

"Lets go home and give them some updates"he said buttoning his sleeves

"Yes boss"i teased grabbing my bag and carrying the key to the hall

"Oh stop it, you know you are the boss
You already called for the chairs and tables.i did all the minor decorations"he said looking around

I chuckled about to walk out but he stood on my way

"Im serious, i admire how you have grown into a strong woman
So independent and so.....beautiful"he said softly.his eyes were so expressive
For a moment i thought my Kamil was back and wanted to jump into his arms
Until my phone started ringing

"We...."i started but he moved from the way and said "Im not trying to flirt, just telling you the truth"

As salam alaikum
I'm so sorry for going Mia
I will try my best not a promise though
I will try my best to complete this and another book
Please be patient

With love,


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