Dates in a daylight

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As always was what baba prayed for me
Zania advices me to be prayerful
And they asked for the twenth time if they should come down to see me
But Malak assured them she is here and Kamil's health was improving

It's true,my husband's health is far far better than before
Kamal made sure his drugs were changed and he informed Kamil about someone changing it without revealing the identity

He let him know the only way his condition will improve is when he lets everyone knows he will take responsibility of his drugs so as the culprit wouldn't suspect

Oh we all know who the plan was affecting but seems like she is busy cashing out for it to click

"Wow,this place is beautiful"a voice spoke which made me startle a bit cause i was lost in thoughts but seems like he didn't notice
He was busy admiring the green house

"Why do i have a feeling i have been here before?"he asked again looking around
A little bit changed, our plants grew much taller and the flowers bloomed enough to make the green house colourful

"Ofcourse, you have,it's in the house anyways"i said placing the watering can on the shelf
And facing him

"But people don't talk or come here,it's like the ugly duckling"he said with a smirk and i rolled my eyes

"Why do I have a feeling you are stalking me?"i asked with my hands akimbo

It's been long I have written something and thought of asking you for tips"he said
And I smiled
Kamil finally wants to write something after a long time

"But I'm just in second semester
One hundred level"i reminded looking around and he shrugged before saying

"Well with some parts of my memory gone,you are ahead of me"

I scoffed taking a glance at his memo


Magrib azan was the end of our day spent in the green house.Kamil and i ended up making more poems than expected,i also told him about the was more like a date but in the daylight
It was fun, it was as if my husband was back after a long trip

After prayers the children dragged me downstairs to make pancakes for them

"Thank you aunty Yus yus" Aayan said walking away with his plate

"You are the best!"Farha exclaimed running while her younger ones followed her steps

"Careful everyone no jumping on the stairs!"i cautioned but it's as if i spoke through their left ear and it came out through their right

Meanwhile, the wedding preparations were moving fast it seemed too real
Ya Allah we need your miracle!

"Hello Yusra!i need you now!"was all i heard the moment i picked my ringing phone
And the voice was too familiar
I felt the person's pain

Hello guys
So Yusra is slowing coming to an end, I want to thank you for your patience and support


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