Questions and Properties

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The ward carried the usual hospital smell and there lies my husband almost approaching two weeks in coma

I greeted an unconscious Kamil "Salam"and took his hand in mine before i started telling him how my day went and why i didn't come yesterday

"You need to wake up,Nazifa got proofs
Strong ones but deep down i know you wouldn't do this to us.i trust you and you wouldn't betray my trust but why did you have to be so close to her
You need to get up and answer questions"i concluded for the first time leaving earlier than usual

Reaching home i found Nazifa in the living room reading some files
I guess it was the publishing company documents
I rushed upstairs to freshen up but i met Malak,Kamal and their children in the room

"Some sort of family visit?"I asked placing my bag on the desk

The girls rushed to my side to give me a hug while Aayan shrugged and Alamin giggled to the sight of the girls almost falling me down

"I just wanted to tell you i am doing anything i can to investigate this matter"Kamal assured
I guess Nazifa wasn't able to convince our hearts only our eyes

"Right now she got lawyers and one wrong move Kamil's reputation might be tainted"Malak added and I nod in agreement

"Let's hope Kamil Wakes up then"I said sitting on the bed

"Where is Dad?"I asked looking around
I didn't find him Reading newspaper in the garden

"He went to father's place,they invited us for dinner next tomorrow
Hope you would come"Kamal replied wrapping his arms around Malak's shoulders

"I don't think so but I will think about it"i said sadly
As much as I want family together
When we meet it's going to remind my heart Kamil is missing
Everyone will be with his wife and kids
I will feel alone and I don't want that

"Anyways I got some cupcakes for everyone"Malak called bringing a box of cupcakes behind her and the kids exclaimed "yay" jumping excitedly

"I will have the chocolate!"Aayan and I said in unison
Malak and Kamal rolled their eyes

"Yusra!when will you grow and stop fighting for chocolate cupcake with Aayan"Malak said handing the strawberry cupcakes to the twins and the banana to Farha

"I will settle this"Kamal said smiling handing the chocolate to Alamin

"I guess it's our thing"I said smiling at Aayan

"Let's settle for vanilla then"he said smiling back at me and I nod


Sumayyah was looking for a new novel to borrow when she stopped and her attention dwelled on something
I was about to ask when she beat me to it

"Yusra I have a question for you though
The ring and your wallpaper,he must be someone special
Your school ID card.are you married?"I looked around then took a deep breath

"Yes"I replied with a smile

"Awn that's cute,I have always wanted to marry early but here I am"she said excitedly but her expression changed at the end

"The right one will come at the right sha Allah"I said placing my hand on hers with a warm smile

"Actually I have someone,betrothed to him but we don't have any connection so he keeps delaying the wedding,he can't also reject it because no one will listen to him
He wanted me to reject it no one will say anything to me but I said no thinking I could make us work out now I think I will have to tell them I don't want to go ahead with it"she explained smiling back
"It's a long story,let's discuss it some other time"she added as we got up to attend our lecture

The next lecture we had together,
Our lecturer called and said he isn't going to make it so we decided to hang around the school
It was all peace and quiet
Untill Sumayyah read something on her phone

"Oh my God promo at robot restaurant!you need to taste the chicken there and everything you will be addicted"she said dramatically and i stared at her having no idea what she meant by exaggerating the you will be addicted

"Is that so?"I asked with raised brows

"Yes!lets go I have my car and no lectures and i know you haven't call yet
We will get back before he comes to pick you up"she said with puppy eyes and i couldn't say no

We reached the parking lot and she showed me her purple car and it had pichanto written
Totally Sumayyah!

After some minutes drive we arrived at a black and white building with "Robot restaurant"placed in the front

The door was opened by someone dressed in a robot costume
Oh now I see why they gave it that name

Sumayyah held my hand to her spot as she says and she was thankful the population didn't occupy it

"They even sound like robots"I said chuckling the moment the waiter took our order

"Oh oh Yusra!they are robots like real robots.programmed to say and do things
well the cook is not a robot though"she asked explaining licking her lips

My eyes and mouth widened

"Don't give me that look!its 2030 give our country some credits.they improved well except to carrying of pad more than they should part"

I chuckled having a look around and i saw someone familiar
It was Yusuf,i quickly acted like i didn't see him and didn't allow Sumayyah to see him.
I just don't want a complicated situation,Especially as a married woman since it isn't written on my forehead and I am not ready to share it around

"You would make a nice model,look"she said showing me the pictures she snapped when my attention was somewhere else

"Oh As salam Alaikum girls!dont tell me you ditched lectures"A voice called while we were talking about family and ofcourse it's Yusuf and a friend this time around

"Wa Alaikumus salam"we greeted back in unison

"And no we didn't"Sumayyah said looking around

"Let's join you here then"Yusuf suggested and kept straight face expression
"Should we Sadiq?"he asked his friend

"Not a bad idea"Sadiq replied smiling like he was gifted a cookie

Before Sumayyah could protest they already sat on the empty chairs
And they started a discussion we couldn't help but join in
Sadiq was a poet he won lots of competitions so he made a freestyle piece on food and that's when I knew
Poetry is also my calling
Yusuf and I shared eye contact and exchanged smiles .

Second update
Third coming up later or tomorrow in the morning

Na'imah 💚🍀

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