Tests and truth

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After an hour,the doctor walked out with a smile then shook his head
It took gave us a confused expression
What could have happened?

"Kamil fought for his life,he regained his consciousness"he said with Smile
And we all grasp our straight faces and our lips turned into smiles
Everyone was around,Dad called father,mother
Fareeda and Fareed incase Kamil was going to say good bye but here we are with smiles on our faces

"Alhamdulilah!"We all exclaimed happily
I was about to walk away when the doctor said "but,he lost his memory.we thought it was normal seeing that he in coma for along
He confirmed it when he asked to see his dad,brother,Malak,father,mother and his cousins"he explained sadly and everyone looked at me

"What about me?"I asked sadly turning back
Forcing myself to stand strong

"He didn't mention anything about his wife,we tried asking him with style and he told us the last thing he can remember was the day Malak's family walked into the house for the first time"he added then signed

"Inna lilahi wa Inna ilaihi rajuun"we all said in unison
And I didn't realized the moment i sat on the floor
All thoughts came flowing into my mind

"We will take a scan on his head  later to see how long and how severe the injury will be but in cases like this do not force him to remember or else he could go back to Coma or else worst due to the stress and shock"he explained adjusting his stethoscope
Looking around.i closed my eyes letting my tears flow

"Get up Yusra,you have overcome this with him
You can do this again too
When a bond is pure no one can break it
With time even his memory lost can't stop him from loving you"I heard Malak said trying to make me stand

"Test after test what if he never recovers
Astagfirllah!"i said sadly looking around

"Your love is true,Kamil loves you and nothing can stop him from loving you"Fareeda assured and mother placed her hand on my shoulder

"Listen to them Yusra, go home and get some rest
The car is waiting for you outside"Dad said softly

I shook my head then said "I want to see him atleast"

"No,think of your health.Malak make sure you administer her injection when you get back home"Kamal said thoughtfully and she nodded
"Will inform you if anything happens"he added with a sad smile
They all prayed for my strength as we walked away


"Kamil! What happened ?"Dad asked the moment we all walked into his ward

We were called this morning that Kamil had an attack
right before I went for a revision class
And we had to rush to the hospital

"I have spoken to all of when i regained consciousness and no one bothered to tell me the truth"he said looking at everyone but me

"What truth ?nothing happened"Kamal asked
One could hear the worries in his tone

"That i got someone pregnant and we have a son"Kamil said sitting up 
And I looked at Nazifa
She insisted on coming to the hospital with us claiming her baby daddy might be in a critical condition

"Where did you get that?"Malak asked glaring at Nazifa
And Nazifa had a straight face

"She came to check me,saying she is an old friend and my publishings companies director
She was incharge of it when I was in coma"Kamil said pointing Nazifa and she was looking down avoiding our stares

"Nazifa!how could you be so heartless,you know you were restrained from making him recall anything"Dad said angrily
For the first time I saw his anger for a man always full of love and smiles

"I didn't say anything!i swear,I just couldn't wait to see him and he demanded an explanation"she said trembling
No one has ever seen Dad this angry

"How did you find out about the child?"Kamal asked tightening his fist

"I saw our pictures on Facebook
Together from another person's account
It was captioned
Baby,papa and mama"he explained
Kamil demanded a phone cause he is bored in the hospital already
Kamal decided to give him a brand new phone

"We wanted to tell you but we wanted you to regain strength first"Dad said trying to calm his son

"Do you know what condition i went into because of the shock?"Kamil asked and we all wished he didn't come across the pictures

"That's why we didn't want to tell in the first place"Malak said sadly

"He is stable now but im afraid this is the last time his heart could take any shock
I hope you will let him recover in peace"the doctor said the moment he came in with a file
Then walked out after whispering some words to Kamal

There was a pin drop silence

"It's 2030? So many things happened im sure
It's a good thing seeing Kamal and Malak together
Because he was so sure he didn't like her
Fool!"Kamil teased and he looked happy
It was a beautiful sight to watch

"Fool?i am a father of five children put a respect on my name"Kamal said proudly sitting by his side
And Malak chuckled

"I'm a father too,a father is a father"Kamil said proudly looking at Nazifa
And it broke my heart

Dad cleared his throat and his attention was back to Dad
"Dad I'm sorry if i caused you any trouble,seems like Kamal is not the only trouble some child you have
You look so ill and stressed  but now that I'm getting discharged tomorrow I will come the house and take care of you"he said smiling and Dad nodded

Untill Nazifa decided to intentionally rub salt on my broken heart knowing clearing Kamil haven't noticed me by saying
"Yusra is doing that already"

"Who is Yusra?her?"he asked for the first time looking at me

I nodded with teary eyes

"My God  you have grown so well!i can't wait to see Aayan and the rest of the children
I can't wait to hold my son"he said excitedly
With all eyes on me

That moment i decided to give up on this love
But I will fight and become what I want to become
Graduate university as the best graduating student
In sha Allah and let Whatever will be,to  be

Hnmmmm how are you feeling?
Who do you want to kill ?
Yusra has given up
Kamil has forgotten about her
Let me be going

Naimah 💚🍀

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