Haunted dreams and weddings (ii)

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My eyes closed tightly and my hands clutching on the bedsheet
And I was embraced into a hug
Shocked but this hug felt like home

"I am so sorry,you had to go through all this torture for me.you are indeed my ease
You are indeed my wife and years to come
Sane or insane i would still choose you"

Sumayyah awed and there was a lot  of "Masha Allah"

I opened my eyes and they met his
Finally,he is back

"Am I dreaming?how?when?"i asked but the next thing i could hear was
Someone running to the door but Malak first her to it
She locked the door and threw it to Kamal

"Got it!"he exclaimed with a smirk

"Please forgive me!"Nazifa said kneeling in front of Kamil pleading
She knew he knows the truth and him recovering was the end of her facade and looting

"Now you know forgiveness?you heartless Gold digger"Fareeda said angrily

"Nazifa the same mouth you used to spoil my reputation
Is the same mouth you will use to expose yourself"Kamil said making her raise her head then she nodded wiping her tears
For the first time,real tears

"I met Kamil when i was just three months pregnant.it wasn't visible then
I was a fan and a lover of books
Time flew by and i fell for him then i heard about his wife
My love turned into jealousy
My child's father rejected us
Life there was getting really hard.we made call the day of his accident
He was telling me how having he was
First forward i called again they said he had an accident
I knew someone in the hospital
A nurse,he gave out the information"she narrated trying to get hold of her wobbling feet

"When i found out about his memory loss,i felt my wishes were coming through so i made a plan
Manipulated all the tests and changed his drugs
I didn't want to torture him but i knew he loved his wife"she added and now i am getting headache

"There was no place for us,i enjoyed our times in London.i know to him was just platonic but i had hopes and dreams
I decided to get some money as much as I can
Along the line i liked the idea of getting married to him
Maybe he will accept me when he gains his memory and Yusra married off to another man"she concluded then burst into tears

"You are truly Heartless!"Mother exclaimed shaking her head

"I accept but please forgive me,i will go back peacefully"she pleaded wiping her tears
Her face now looked like a panda with her smudged mascara

"What about the fact that the drugs you were giving my brother had the side effects of making one loose his sanity?"Kamal finally spoke and my heart skipped a bit

"I didn't know,i will expose all the doctors and nurses i am working with but Please for my son's sake let me go back"she pleaded once more and Kamil gave me a look

"So you will find another good friend of yours to Rob"Malak said at rolling her eyes

"I swear by my creator,this has opened my eyes.i was too stupid to play with destiny
I would never do it again"she pleaded this time around she was looking at me and Kamil

"The person that suffered through this whole thing was Yusra and Kamil
They will decide your punishment"Dad spoke as if we were in court and everyone kept quiet waiting for our verdict

Kamil and i shared a contact before he cleared his throat

Finally!Nazifa was cut red handed,Kamil has regained his memory
And this book is few chapters away from coming to an end

Naimah 🍀

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