Uni or hell

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" You are going to be okay right?should I come?"Malak asked for the third time since we got into the building

The name "IUOA" was written with the grass as some of decoration
International university of Abuja was a big and beautiful university
It had the type of building we saw in American movies

"Don't treat me like a baby Mal"I said grumpily
Kamil promised to be there on my first day of university and here we are

"Okay dear,take care and tell me if you need anything"she said again softly

"Kamil did everything anyways mine is just to walk to my lecture hall"I said the moment she reached the parking lot
He made sure he did my clearance before time though it had extra charges but he paid

"I know but still"she insisted smiling

I got down closed the door about to walk away when I remembered you never know when you are going to see someone last
Kamil's accident opened my eyes

"I love you and take care"I said the moment I turrned back and found her looking at me

"Awn Yusra,I love you more.if you feel any discomfort around your chest region don't hesitate to call and take your drugs on time"she said smiling And I rolled my eyes

"Yes mom!i feel like Aayan suddenly"I said smiling
I am lucky to have my big sister with me in my husband's house not all girls are this lucky

Malak chuckles then drove off,
It was her day off at work and she wanted to be there for me on my first of university

I sighed looking around,just as Kamil explained
I would see lots of people
I walked around I could hear some group of people speaking language I had no clue of
Different ethnics,different nationality

"Ouch!"a voice cried bringing me out of my thoughts

"Watch where you are going little child"a tall dark skinned lady spoke with a glare the moment I looked up

I glared at her and she hissed walking away

"Snake!"I exclaimed

I heard someone chuckle from behind

"Hi!i am Maryam"she introduced smiling the moment I was facing her

"Yusra"I said with a smile

"Don't mind her,all those three hundred level students feel like the owners of the school"she said
And she looked not too tall not too short and brown skinned

"What level are you?"I asked curiously

"Four"she replied adjusting her scarf

"Please I need help finding lecture room
PTF 1,someone said it was somewhere around even the map at the front wasn't helpful"I requested and she nodded

"Just keep going straight the your next left you will find a black door"she explained pointing at the directions.

"Thank you"I said feeling grateful

"You welcome"she said with a smile as innocent as ever

I walked into the class and found it empty before I could walk out the door was locked

"Open up!"I cried hitting it with my palm
It was empty and it looked at bit dusty

"Welcome to university,almost everyone is a snake"I heard a voice call through the window
I walked there to Find "Maryam"

I kept knocking no one came to get the door,I sat there quietly and started reading some text books I took from Kamil's library to kill time
Untill I started feeling thirsty and hungry at the same time

Is this uni or hell?

An hour later

"Yes,fix those lights"I heard a voice call the moment the food magically opened

"What are you doing here?"the elderly man wearing something like a uniform asked with two young man trailing behind

"I'm sorry,someone locked me in here.she gave me the wrong direction.thank you for coming mr"I explained  rushing out quickly

This time around I will not trust anyone easily and I wouldn't ask for direction I will find the closest cafeteria to get something to eat and have my drugs.

I looked down at my time table and seems like I missed two lectures
Great! on the first day at university
I missed my first two lectures all thanks to a stupid prank

"That's six hundred"the woman at the cafeteria said and I smiled handing her the money in-exchange of my food

I texted Kamal to ask  how is Kamil's condition before I began eating the food then took my drugs,handed the plate and walked out to my next lecture

With the help of the map i found my next lecture hall
The lecturer was a female,fully covered and she looked young

"Welcome to Gst 101"she said and the moment i sat down next to a girl in red hijab

We exchanged smiles and started taking notes of what the lecturer was saying

"And that's the end of today's lecture"I sat up happily to walk out
When she said
"You are fifty and I need your names and admission numbers so be seated please"she announced with a stern face and everyone looked exhausted
Yes after double period of lecture one is bound to be tired

"Oh God!university,Kamil would have warned me"I said feeling tired of university already

Hello everyone
This is my next book to complete in sha Allah
Then maybe I might be updating destined and finding her soulmate from time to time

And IUOA Is just a tittle I formed
So be warned 😂😂😂😂😂

See you soon💚In sha Allah

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