New face

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"You have to get up Kamil,you have to recover.
i miss you
University has been really stressful and boring
I found some of my Coursemates that we walk to lectures together
Just that,I'm scared of having a have been my best friend no one gets me like you
Anyways Yusuf invited me to two of their meeting
Book club and poetry club
I think i should go,i love doing things that connects me with you"I said holding onto his hand softly
Smiling to his sleeping form and looking around the quiet ward

My phones vibrates and it was alarm that indicates time for magrib prayers and also I know it's time to go,no one is allowed to sleep here.So I come over after lectures and the driver(uncle Hassan) picks me up after magrib.

"Men will always talk and no action"Malak grumbled entering the room i was staying in for a while
I took my dinner after Isha watched cartoon with the kids because i missed bonding with them before i made sure they slept knowing Malak and Kamal will be back late

As for dad,he is quite shocked so he says less.always in Kamil's library
I couldn't stay in our room(me and Kamil)as much as i wanted to do things that make me feel connected to him
The room was my only fear,every corner carried a memory
So i packed to an empty room with some of my stuffs

"What are you thinking of?"Malak asked tapping my shoulder and i shrugged before asking curiously "What are you doing here Mal?"

"Nigerians with answering questions with questions
I am sleeping over ofcourse"she said adjusting her pillow and my pillow

"I miss cuddling my baby sis to sleep"she said taking me into her arms after we laid in the bed

I chuckled relaxing in her arms

"Kamil will recover in sha Allah"she whispered rubbing my back

"In sha Allah"I said closing my eyes to let sleep steal me for the night

Something was up with Malak though maybe she fought with Kamal and she wouldn't want to share
Love with it's ups and downs!!!!


"Be careful kids!"Malak exclaimed the moment we got down from the car and they loudly locked the door
We just came back from the orphanage visit
Malak had evening shift and it's Kamal's day off

"Carry me!"Muhammad Alamin cried stretching his arms towards Malak but her attention was on carrying some things out of the car

"Come my boy,I will carry you"Kamal said carrying Muhamamad Alamin in his arms then gave me a soft smile before they walked in

"Hey!just a reminder of the meeting tomorrow around 4pm
It's school premises,hope to see you there"

I read the message twice then helped the twins in before I went to get ready for the hospital

"Let's go madam don't choke your husband with perfume"Malak called entering into the room some minutes after we changed for the hospital

"But I want him to feel my presence everytime
who knows all these might wake him up"I said softly with a smile

"Dad was talking about you taking care of Kamil's publishing company since he doesn't have an heir and the break given to the workers is enough since we want him to wake up and continue his business
He wanted me to tell you cause ever since everything happened he didn't want to see you in a miserable condition,he feels guilty"she explained taking my hand into hers
Lots of words were running round my mind

"Will you also do this for Kamil?"she asked tapping my hand softly

"I will do anything for my husband to bless me when he wakes"I said with a smile and her lips broke into a smile too
I guess she was worried i would say no

"Baba will be proud of the girl he raised,alright once you are back from the hospital.check Kamil's phone since you know his password,send message to the company group and tell everyone to resume"she added and I nod

She sighed then asked with few worried lines appearing on her face and that isn't how i want my sister to be because of me "these responsibilities are you much for you right?if you feel by any Chance pain in your chest you will tell me?"

"Calm down Mal,trust me.besides I will know how to handle everything
And as for my health I have you and Kamal
I take drugs,I will be fine"I said with an assuring smile

"You have grown Yusra so fast and beautiful,in and out.Kamil is lucky to have you"she said caressing my cheeks

"No I am lucky"I said with a goofy grin

She smiled patting my cheeks softly before we went downstairs to meet a new face

"Why is your child calling me dad?"Kamal asked with a confused look
Staring at a child who seemed two years old
He had brown skin and very dark hair with beautiful large eyes

"Because he was never introduced to his family"she said
She wore her scarf in a turban,dressed in wrapped dress and wedge.she was really fair and curvy with large beautiful eyes just like the little boy

"What are you saying?"Malak said leaving my side to Kamal's side

"Aayan take your little ones in"I said and he nodded motioning them to follow him

"What is going on?"Dad said looking as shocked as we are

"I heard what happened to my Kamil and life is actually short.i want my son to grow up with his father"she said with folded arms

"And who is the father?"I asked
Finally finding my voice

"Kamil"she replied after eyeing me
And i couldn't believe my ears
I don't believe her but why is she insisting
My Kamil will never do this

"What!are you sure of what you are saying?"Kamal asked looking at me
Malak rushed to my side rubbing my arms to calm me down

"If I wasn't sure I wouldn't be so confident"she said walking towards Kamal

"Young woman,do you realize the consequences of this allegations?"Dad asked and i could tell he sounded angry

"I have proofs"she said with a smirk
"But then before we go far,my name is Nazifa Aman.i met Kamil in London"she introduced with a wicked smile

Can Kamil do this ?
Meet the new member of our family

Lots of love
Na'imah 💚🍀

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