Break down

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"I don't know why Kamil will even marry a kid in the first place.i mean he is a man,he couldn't control his desires You know"I heard Nazifa say the moment i was approaching the door

"Yusra!"she called when i was about to get into the car
I stopped trying to control my frustration

"You know university has lots of handsome young guys get one for yourself.i know how lonely one  can be and you know temptation"she said with folded arms and a smirk

"I will like it if we respect each other
and we will start when we start minding our business.i wasn't raised to be disrespectful don't try to make me you can see this kid got university"I said with a forced smile entering the car


"2020 was a pandemic year and it started with covid-19 out break.i would like to have a short story emailed to my account on Thursday morning.see you next week"the lecturer announced walking out

I was feeling uneasy so i rushed to toilet and what i was predicting happened
I looked into the pad box where every morning is full of different sanitary pads but they proved me wrong

"Common it's 2030 and people steal pad!"I cried it's just 12:00 and no single one left
I didn't know the time I started breaking down
I still have two important lectures,the thought of what to tell Kamil
What Nazifa said all the things came into my mind I don't know the time I started crying

The door opened and I immediately wiped my tears before pretending to wash my face

"Here"she said removing a pad from her bag
Seems like she heard everything
She was very beautiful and chubby with chocolate complexion,full brows,pointed nose and full pink lips
And yes same height with me

"You know it's okay to break down,we are humans after all
You break down and rise with full strength
What is not okay is not trying at all.i will wait outside"she added and i felt the warmth of her kindness
For the first time after Kamil's accident i really think I could need a female best friend

"You don't need to thank me,i am Sumayyah Lawal.i have been seeing around and when I was passing I heard a voice cried in frustration
I rushed in didn't know it's you
Yusuf told me about you also
He is a family friend"she added with a smile and dimples showed
How perfect can see be

"Hello Sumayyah I will still thank you.he told you my name?"I asked with a smile

"Ofcourse he did,you didn't show up at the club meeting he was looking forward to introducing us then this morning we saw you and he was calling you but your attention was else where that's how I knew you were Yusra.i am studying literature though  100 level
I see you in some lectures"she explained adjusting her purple tote bag
That's when I noticed the purple bracelet seems like a lover of purple

"Yeah I had family emergency I couldn't make it
Anyways thank you once again.i think our next lecture is together in thirty minutes time
Though i need to eat cause I take drugs"i said hoping she will join me
She doesn't seem fake and after show casing her wealth
Though it's said don't judge a book by its cover

"We can go together,we are friends now after all"she said breaking her hand forward for a handshake

"Yes,friends"and i  shook her eagerly while our chuckles echoed

After the two lectures flew i was waiting at the entrance when Yusuf i approached me with a frown on his face

"I am sorry i didn't show up"I apologized avoiding a contact

"It's okay i was expecting you at the garden though"he said with his hands in his pockets

"Had lectures all day"I explained looking around

"Yeah,how are you doing you seem sad"he said the moment our eyes met
Maybe he is a psychiatrist

"Does it really show on the face?"I asked touching my face

"I can read your eyes but you can't understand"he said with a raised brow

"Hmmm now I'm scared!"I exclaimed faking a frightened expression

He chuckled and I smiled
Maybe university is not so bad
That's why Kamil never gave me head up
Speaking of Kamil I have a lot to tell him
And hoping that will be enough to wake him.

I'm considering a triple update today
So stay tuned
In sha Allah
And share

With love
Na'imah 💚

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