Special one

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After we checked on Dad we discussed a Little,he was asking me about the university and I told him
It's opening in one week then he said
"Masha Allah,one week might seem little but is enough for you to enjoy your new married life"

I smiled shyly while Kamil winked
He took some drugs for his high blood pressure then  we left the room for him to get some rest.

Kamil and I decided to take a stroll around the house

"You don't regret marrying me?"he asked suddenly
I stopped walking I rolled my eyes,it's his regular question now.every time we meet he must ask me the same question

"Listen,the way people fall in love is too common and regular.i will never regret marrying you
You are a gem,my special person
I am very lucky to have a patient,understanding,loving and caring Husband
You have been a best friend and a guardian now I will let you be the husband and father you deserve for such extra years of patience"I said thoughtfully with a very satisfactory smile

He stood speechless,studying me.this is the longest answer I have given him
I dragged him to sit on the chair when we reached the patio.

"You are so beautiful,the most matured,smartest young lady in the whole world
I feel blessed to have married you.i can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you though I will grow old before you but please don't leave me"he said softly caressing my face

I didn't realized how I went from teary to smiling now I'm glaring cause of his last statement

"Who gave you the idea I will ever leave you?"I asked with my brows furrowed

"I'm sorry my special one"he said smiling
Then took me into his arms
My husband is an indoor person,an introvert and he is already rubbing off on me

"We should enjoy this time before your university opens
How about you get ready tonight we are going somewhere?"he suggested
Deep down I know the somewhere is in here

"Awn how cute,I can't wait"I cheered nevertheless
Because I have grown loving him
Nothing can change that


Malak and Kamal are doing morning duties
so they might be back anytime as for me and my Kamil
We are in the living room watching teletubbies with Muhammad Alamin

"Aunty Yus Yus,look I love red"he said pointing at the one in red excitedly

"Yes I can see that"I said smiling

He kept calling for my attention from time to time while Kamil will just smile
I guess he thought I will be leaving anytime soon,kids are so innocent

Fast forward to one hour
I felt a flash on my face and a clicking sound then I noticed Muhammad sleeping safely in my arms
We both fell asleep

"That's wallpaper worthy" Kamil said smiling

I chuckled adjusting Muhammad in my arms

"It's time for Zuhr,let me go check on dad while you keep him in his room then we will pray"Kamil said softly you would think he is whispering



"Aunt Yus Yus,put the maroon lipstick.you look finer like my fav Indian actress"Farha said combing her dolls hair

"Okay Ma"I said
She decided to come into the room to gist me about how her day went

She giggled hugging her doll

"Farha!time for dinner
you need to sleep early don't disturb your Aunty"Malak said the moment she walked into the room

"But I love spending time with her"Farha said innocently and I felt the tone

"She's spending time more with your uncle from now"Malak said reaching out for her tiny hand

"Good night,Aunt Yus Yus"Farha said holding onto Malak

"Good night beautiful"I said softly

"Enjoy your night Yusra you look beautiful,I'm tired we will discuss when night duty"Malak said and I could see the stress,tiredness on her face suddenly
She is so hardworking

"No problem,I love you"I said smiling

"I love you more"she said softly before she walked away with a noise making Farha

I received a text from Kamil and I walked towards the room he instructed

The moment I opened the way I noticed how beautifully decorated it was

And there is my Prince Charming sitting and smiling stealing my heart again and again

"My special one"he said getting up and walking towards me

"You look handsome"I said smiling and that moment I knew he was the best decision of my life

"You look beautiful"he said holding my hands
"Come let's eat our dinner"he added leading the way

I smiled and we sat on the mat
With lanterns and flowers around

"I never knew there was a green house in this house"I said looking around
Awed by the sight

"I made them do it this year,you always told me about your interest in flowers and plants.if you notice they have not grown yet
I wanted you to feel at home which ever year you come"he explained arranging the plates

I smiled looking around again

"I love you"he said catching my attention

I fed him a spoonful of the food before I pecked his cheek

"I love you more"I said softly

We kept eating then gisting and time really flies cause it was 12 am already so we decided to get some sleep.

Well,love is beautiful
Can I get your comment on how this story is going?
Can her life be this perfect only?

Life of  YUSRA  (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now