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I was walking to the next lecture when i suddenly felt like i was being stabbed with a knife in my heart
I started sweating and struggling to catch my breath

I lost my balance and landed on the floor welcoming darkness

"Take her to the clinic"was all i heard before all my senses went off


"Yusra,can you hear me?" I heard a voice ask the moment i gained my sight
my eyes recognized the person by my side as Malak
She was dressed in her nurse uniform

"Don't force yourself to speak"she added sitting by my side

"Why have you been stressing your heart?i feel so bad i can't do anything to see you through"she asked again and this time around she was teary
"I'm sorry"she added holding my hand

I shook my head no

"Kamal went to speak to your doctor and dad had to stay at home because of his blood pressure was high hearing the news of your unconsciousness"she explained when i looked around
And I felt bad everyone has to go through a lot because of me

"There is still a young lad though,he came along with Sumayyah.they insisted they stay and no lectures for the day
Should I send them in?"she asked adjusting my blanket

I nodded reaching out for water which She gladly handed over the water in a cup

"Thank you Malak.im sorry i had to stress anyone"I said asking drinking
My throat wasn't dry and I could finally speak

"It's okay love,just stop thinking too much
Your husband will recover in sha Allah"she assured caressing my cheeks

"In sha Allah"I said smiling

"Are you sure you don't want anything before I call your friends
I'm going to check on Kamal from there"she asked getting up

"I'm sure"I assured

She smiled walking away and few minutes later Sumayyah and Yusuf rushed in

"I'm fine seriously"I said smiling

"You got Yusuf in his feelings"Sumayyah said and her eyes seemed puffy
She sat by my side

"He kept asking she is going to be like a three year old"she added then chuckled and he rolled his eyes grabbing a chair to sit

"And she kept crying like a new born baby"he said and Sumayyah glared at him
It was true her eyes looked puffy when she cries

I nodded with a short laugh

"Thank you two,for the care"I said smiling and Sumayyah rolled her eyes before saying "You have a space in my heart so it's normal"

"Well,I just care"Yusuf said raising his hands in surrender

I sighed with a smile just then Sumayyah started talking

I know it's a short chapter again but I had to brush it briefly before the main twists and turns

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