Chapter 3: Catching up

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Third P.O.V

   She nods her head slowly and tears roll down her light pink cheeks as well. She takes his hand and he pulls her up, she immediately engulfs him in a tight hug, tears falling on his shoulders

   "Varian, i-its been SO long I-I missed you" she says as her grip tightens

   "I-I missed you too Y/n, what are you doing out here at this time of night?" She giggles and pulls away from their embrace.

   "I should be asking you silly"

   "oh for me I'm just trying to find some Echinaceas to make healing medicine, now what about you? Why are you out here at this time of night, falling out of trees and back home" He chuckles,

   "It's OUR tree, and I wanted to spend the night up there even though it's extremely uncomfortable, heh, also I decided to come back because I miss this place so much" she rubs the back of her neck shlyly.

   "Why there? Why not your house or wherever you and your parents are staying"

   "Oh, well, you see...I don't have a home"

   "Then were are you three staying at?"

   "Well out here and it's just me, m-my parents... they.. aren't w-with me anymore. It's just me" her voice starts cracking and she trys to hold her tears back at the thought of them never coming back and being with her.

   She notices the lime green light and quickly moves her arm behind her and up against her back to drown out the light before Varian could take notice

   "What do you mean your parents aren't with you? Did they stay in that town of yours?" He tilts his head in confusion.

   She looks down at the ground so he doesn't see her about to cry "Well technically" she clears her throat to get rid of the lump that's forming

   "Why didn't they come with you?" She couldn't take it anymore,

   she has to tell him the truth, she allowed the tears roll down her face

   "B-because th-they.. couldn't... They are... No l-longer... a-...alive" she barely let out as her voice cracks.

   She starts sobbing aloud not caring if anyone heard. She then feels arms wrap around her, Varian hugs her again and lets her cry on his chest

   "I-I'm so sorry Y/n I should have realized earlier" she let out a small chuckle

   "don't be, I'm the one who should apologize for not being straight forward about it"

   "No, you shouldn't either, I understand it may have been hard for you to be straight forward to me about this, anyways let's get you to my home and you can rest on my bed tonight than in the morning we can walk around Old Corona and catch up"

   Before they left Y/n had to get the chest down from the tree which is what they did. Varian requested to help her drag the chest but Y/n insisted and didn't allow him to grab hold of the rope. They walk to Varian's house and Y/n talks to him about how her town is and the people there

   "Oh, I almost forgot to mention over there I signed up for fencing lessons and i met this guy his name is Ravi and he is one of the best fencers in the whole group and I somehow ended up beating him in a fencing match, although he is a bit of an asshole and distant towards everyone" She notices that Varian won't take his eyes off her and listened very carefully to every word she said,

   probably because they haven't seen each other in years and he really misses her. They arrive to Varian's house and he slowly and carefully walks in through the front door to not wake his father up. It's pretty dark in there only the moon giving off some light in the house, it was hard for Y/n to look around

   "Ok you can sit on the couch and I will go wake my dad up but I'm going to tell him that I saw you walking around the streets and you started climbing a tree and I came outside to help you, I don't want him finding out that I snuck out I'll get in trouble if he finds out" He whispers,

   she nods in agreement and walks to the couch dragging the chest with her. she sits down and looks in Varian's direction only to see he isn't there anymore, then she hears footsteps running upstairs. Y/n leans back on the couch and silently waits. A light green light starts lighting up from her arm. she looks down and rolls her sleeve down as much as she can and tries to hide the light before anyone sees it.

   "what are you talking about Varian? Y/n moved away years ago I don't think she is coming back it's probably another girl you are mistakening as her" she hears Quirin say,

   then footsteps began to echo throughout the house and they made their way to were Y/n is sitting. She begins getting more nervous as the footsteps get louder. Quirin walks in the room with Varian behind him and his face turns into a shocked one

   "Oh my god Y/n it's really you, and I'm terribly sorry about your parents" she gives him a weak smile

   Quirin shows her to Varian's room "here you can sleep in Varian's bed while he sleeps on the couch tonight and tomorrow I can make you a bed and you two can share a room" she nods and says her good nights to Varian and his father,

   then climbs into Varian's bed snuggling up against his pillow and closing her eyes. Her mind starts wandering to how happy she is because Quirin is letting her move in after she left home and came back with nowhere to stay. Soon enough she drifts off into a comfortable sleep.

Y/n's P.O.V

   I feel a slight shaking and my name being whispered causing me to wake up. I groan and sit up rubbing my eyes

   "Come on let's go walk around town and catch up" He says excitingly like a little child.

   He gets out of the room to let me get ready, I look around and notice my chest is already in the room

   'hmm one of them must have brought it here while I slept' I think getting up and walking to the chest opening it up and fumbling around trying to find an outfit.

   I end up finding a dark blue dress that's just above my knees so I decide to put that on with my usual black leathered boots.

   I walk out his room and he's already waiting for me downstairs so when I make it down there he grabs my arm causing my heart to race and my cheeks flush a light red. Varian drags me out of the house and into town reintroducing me to people that I haven't seen in years. After that we spend many hours walking around and talking about how we have been and what we have been up to. Soon enough The sun starts to set and we make our way home

   "Oh and I almost forgot to mention, I'm friends with the princess and her friends Eugene, oh and the most brave and beautiful, Cassandra which I call her Cassie.. Now that I mention it you should meet them. Tomorrow we can go to the castle and I can introduce you to them" his voice sounds as excited as when he's talking about Alchemy.


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