Chapter 1. Threat

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(A/N: Welcome to another Hermitcraft fanfiction book! This is not a shipping book, sorry to disappoint.

I suggest reading The Watcher's Downfall ORIGINAL since this is the sequel to that.

Credits are due...
-you. y'all motivated me :)

If you're new here/first Ariyaquila book you've read, updates are usually quick if I didn't put it on hold. I work alone and have a few other books to plan and write which would make the process a little slower than usual. Thank you for understanding. [Book is already done.]

I'll edit this later, it's *sigh* yeah.

Please, sit back, relax, and enjoy my second official book of Hermitcraft Fanfiction. <3)

POV: Third Person
Location: Hermitcraft

Grian sat on the top pillar of his base. It's been a little over a year since he's started this project, and since he's joined. He smiled to himself, swinging his legs over the edge of the pillar.

He stared at his arms, which were littered with golden streaks and scars. Grian reflected on his past, from one year ago, two years ago, four years ago, then so many years ago he doesn't remember.

One year ago, he was fighting for his life in a Lair. The Watcher's Lair.

Two years ago, he was enjoying Evolution, a peaceful server at the time.

Four years ago... well, we don't talk about that... school.

Moving on, there was that time so long ago when he was promoted to the Prime Admin rank.

And it was a long time ago.

But enough about the past, he's in the present now.

And he's happy about it.

He loves his fellow admins. He loves his family in Hermitcraft. He loves his supporters on all those social media platforms. He loves every single one of them.

He stood up, spreading his large white and golden wings out. The 15ft wing span he had was as long as the width of the pillars. Grian smiled, gliding off of his base and down towards the water below.

He made a sharp turn into his base, glidimg down to his 'storage system'. He checked all the boxes, looking for some extra beacons. He wanted to make another hideout under the ground for... experiments. His own experiments. They weren't bad, he can promise you that.

He had only found two beacons, but that should do for now.

He flew out again, looking over the Shopping District.

Sahara was a thing, now. Grian was proud of the huge white building. He had put a lot of work into his building, and loved every moment of it.

Grian flapped his wings once more, laughing in delight as he got higher into the sky. He then dropped, aiming towards the ground. He pulled up last second, just moments from going splat of the floor.

He calmed down, observing the shops below. He saw a lot of them, old and new.

A white glow from the window of the store was directed at him. He didn't think about it, really. He just kept flying like normal, heading ti his destination.

He did a double take, spinning around and looking at that spot.

There was nothing there.

Grian inhaled a steady breath, furrowing his eyebrows.

He swears he had saw two glowing eyes there.

Grian landed in front of the shop. He cautiously pushed the doors open, looking around. Herobrine wasn't there. There was no place to hide in this store, it wasn't possible.

Grian walked out of the store, narrowing his eyes. He observed the area once more. The was nothing out of place.

He stopped walking, looking left, right, back, and forth multiple times. From the left, he looked to the right, and-

-Herobrine's figure stood there, staring at Grian with his daunting eyes. He was translucent, making him look like a ghost.

Grian threw a shield of admin energy up, stepping backwards. He sent a blast of magic at the white-eyed man.

To Grian's surprise and horror, it went straight through the man, blasting a poor tree to ashes. Herobrine laughed a cold laugh, much like the Head Watcher's laugh back then.

For a split second, Grian thought they were the same person. But he dismissed it, as Herobrine would have said some cocky statement about beating them.

Herobrine faded from view, leaving Grian in silence. Grian looked around wildly, wings spread and aura shining brightly. He was panicking, obviously. Herobrine would only do that if he was going to cause trouble.

Xisumavoid glided over the district with his elytra, and down towards the Prime Admin. The shorter man was hard to miss, with his wings and bright aura. He saw Grian was agitated, and was worried. He knew Grian had to be calm, as all of Minecraft depended on his emotions.

"Prime Admin, what-" Xisuma started.

"Void, call the Tier Aurum and Argentum urgent chat, now." Grian commanded, too shaken to scold Xisuma about using titles.

"Y-yes, Prime." The Tier Argentum admin pulled his communicator out, and called the chat. It was a newer method of communication, it has been tested and proven as effective and working.

Grian spoke first, having joined the chat earlier.

"Admins, Herobrine has been spoted on the Hermitcraft server. He was translucent. Prime Energy went straight through him, and his laugh sounded like Head Watcher. Keep an eye out. He is now a threat to our existence. " Grian said urgently. Whispers of fear sounded.

"Any similar encounters?" Grian asked, eyebrows furrowing again. After a few moments of silence, someone spoke up.

"Yes sir, I saw two glowing eyes in a dark cave. I wasn't sure if I was hallucinating or it was real." Hypixel replied. Grian sighed, controlling himself.

"How long ago?"

"Yesterday evening, Xelqua."

"Fine. Keep an eye out, everyone. Don't let him get to you. He is more dangerous than the Head Watcher."

"Examples, please?" A timid voice asked.

"He can control you just by laying a land on you, he can put you under any spell, he can access Creative Move by will, he can destroy Minecraft with just a few words." Grian said in one breath.

"How did we not know this?" AppleG questioned, pure terror in his voice.

"We've forgotten about him. We never bothered to explain in depth about what he could do, who he is, anything. And that was out mistake. He most. likely wants revenge on us for that." Grian looked to the side, folding his wings onto his back.

"Be careful out there, admins. You don't know what he can do to you." Everyone exited the call. Xisuma looked at Grian, sharing a look of uncertainty.

"Is he really-"

"Yes, Xisuma. Inform the Hermits. I have to talk with the other admins." Grian turned away, flying towards the Admin Portal.

"When I though we could live in peace for the rest of my time in Minecraft, I don't know what I was thinking. I knew I should have explained who Herobrine is in the beginning. Now he's angry. And this time, it's no ones fault but mine. The forgotten wants his revenge, and he won't stop with just the admins." Grian muttered to himself, shaking his head.

He dreaded what will happen in the near future.

(1118 words)

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