Chapter 32. Waking Experience

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(warning: swear word used as a noun)

POV: Grian
Loction: Admin HQ Infirmary

My heart stopped and felt like it dropped to the floor like concrete. Steve put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed. It was a nervous gesture.

"Is... is it good news? Please, please tell me it's good news." I pleaded. Lani and Theo shared a look.

"... I guess it's both." Theo said, looking away. Lani bit her lip and looked at her clipboard.

"Good news first. They can and will heal with the correct process." She said. I sighed in relief, releasing a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"The bad news is... that they're going to be unusable for over a year." My eyes widened. Over a year? That's... that's too long.

"Wings already take a long time to heal. The cut was over half way through the attached part, and the way you forcefully pulled them into your back will make it painful to get back out. It added more time to the healing process. To take them out, we might have to knock you out to do it. It's too painful." I looked downward.

"Don't worry Prime Admin, you'll get them back eventually." Theo said with an encouraging smile on his face. I nod.

"Other things we'd like to mention... your magic capacity and power in general has increased by at least a tenfold. That physically shouldn't be possible." Lani said. "But somehow, you're still alive and didn't implode."

"Yeah, I seem to be able to survive things not many others could." I grumble.

"How did that happen?"

"That's a story for another day. Probably later." I say shortly. The healers nodded, understanding that I like to be private about certain parts of my life, but might say later.

"We'll leave you to heal. Please don't leave this room. Don't want you to get hurt more." Theo said. I nodded as they turned away, walking through the door. The large double doors closed with a loud thud.

I made my way to a couch, shrugging Steve's hand off my shoulder. He followed me anyway. I slumped on the couch, not acknowledging that I hit my head on the arm. I stayed still, not doing anything.

"How am I going to get around? I've gotten so used to them. They're one part of many things that define me. I can't not have them." I mutter, staring out the window.

"Grian," Steve said, looking at me with a mixed expression. "You know, you don't need your wings to fly, right?" I stopped, turning to look at him.


"You don't need your wings to fly."

"What do you mean?" He looked around like I was stupid. He shook his head. Steve took a deep breath.

"Have you forgotten than you have Notch's power." He said this in a monotone voice.

"And?" Steve groaned and dragged his hands down his face.

"Are you sleep deprived? Did you fake sleep?"

"Yes Steve, I slept! Just tell me!" I exclaim, exasperated. From his sitting position, Steve floated off the couch by an inch as if he were in creative mode. He flopped back down, looking at me and waiting for me to comprehend it.

"Oh. OH." I say.

"Finally." Steve sighed.

"I.. I can do that?" He nodded.

"Yes. You can do everything he did." I wince. I don't want to do anything Notch did.

"I know you don't want to, judging by for expression, but you don't have to. Before, I rarely used it. I only used it when it was convenient." He added. I slumped further into the couch, if it were possible.

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