Chapter 4. His Offer

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POV: Iskall85
Location: Hermitcraft

"Great. Just peachy. What we needed. More problems. Joy." I hear Grian mumble.

"Grian?" I ask. He looked at me. He tucked his wings into his back and he raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah?" He leaned against a building, crossing his golden-streaked and scarred arm.

"What... what's wrong?" I questioned, slightly hesitant. If I learned any lesson from Grian, it is to not bother him when he's not in the mood. I can't tell if this is one of those times, but it sure is on the border.

So, how do I know that lesson?

I found out the hard way.

"Nothing, except what happened at HeadQuarters a couple hours ago. Where is Xisuma? I need to talk with him." Grian said, shaking me out of my thoughts. I pointed to the general direction of the Shopping District."

"He's in the Shopping District talking with the other Hermits. I left because I didn't have anything else to do."

"Oh, then why don't you come with me?" He offered, spreading his wings. I shrugged.

"Sure." He flew up as I launched a rocket. We both gilded towards where I previously was. A good amount of people were still there. They looked up at us, some waving and others moving away so we don't land on them. That would be embarrassing.

I landed on the ground behind Grian and walked with him as he approached Xisuma. Tango was brushing the dirt off of himself. Tango waved with a slight smile. I smiled and nodded my head in response.

Grian and Xisuma looked at each other, gazing at each other with an unreadable expression.

"Something happened at HQ." Xisuma stated, not even bothering to ask. Apparently he knew something happened just by the way Grian is acting. Tango and I look at each other with confused faces as Grian nodded.

"He was there." Xisuma paled ever so slightly.

"That's not it, isn't it." Xisuma's voice was uncharacteristically shaky. Grian crossed his arms as he shook his head many times.

"No, Libra got hit with a spell which put her to sleep. We couldn't wake her up. I don't know the counter." He said in a monotone voice. "He also said that he'll correct Minecraft when he gets enough power." Xisuma sighed.

"Wait, what happened? What's going on? I'm greatly confused, you've lost me." Tango asked, as confused as me. Both Grian and Xisuma turned towards Tango and I.

"Herobrine wanted to make clear that we'll change Minecraft to his liking when he gets the right amount of power." Grian summarized.

"What can we do about it?" I asked. Grian and Xisuma shook their heads.

"Nothing. Nothing can stop Herobrine except..." Grian looked at Xisuma. Xisuma shook his head. Grian quieted, suddenly finding his shoes interesting.

"There is something that can stop Herobrine, but... we have to find it." Xisuma finished, not wanting to say anything else.

"Are you talking... about..." Tango started. Xisuma nodded. Tango grinned, and opened his mouth to say something. However, whatever he had to say had to wait.

The ground shook, much like what happened a year ago. Grian immediately flew upwards, scanning the area and grasping his obsidian sword. The rest of the Hermits took their weapons out, looking around.

Many blocks in front of the Grian, a glow of light lit the area up, even though it was day. I looked up at it, shielding my eyes with my hands. Grian turned towards it, holding his sword in a defensive position.

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