》Chapter 6. First Revenge (Myth #1)《

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(Warning: violence)

It all started when he was thrown against the
wall, falling to the ground with a thump. The person who threw him backed up, diamond sword in hand.

"You fool, do you know who I am?" He raged from the ground, propping hinself up on his elbows.

"Yes, Herobrine, I do. And you will leave me alone. I'm not afraid of you." The other person turned around, leaving the area.

"Watch your back, because I'll get my revenge! I will, I promise!" Herobrine called after him, sneering. He got up from the ground, covered in scratches and cuts. He dusted himself off, walking towards the place where he resides.


"You know, my lord, the best way for revenge is to harm those who are clostest to the victim." One of Herobrine's clostest and loyal subject said. They were kneeling in front of their master, head bowed and head covered.

"Yes, [CLASSIFIED], I do. I'm still planning, so hold your mouth." Herobrine snapped, still in a bad mood. [CLASSIFIED] shrunk back, terrified for their life.

"Yes sir, sorry sir." They timidly said.

"Leave my presence, [CLASSIFIED], or you'll be one of my testing dummies."

"Yes, my lord." They scurried away, tripping over their robes that indicated they were a loyal subject.

Herobrine rolled his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

"I really do have idiots as followers." He sighed.

The next day, Herobrine went to the other man's house, sneaking into it. He had watched the man leave, going on daily businesses.

The man's close friend was there, and her back was to him. Herobrine laughed, bringing her attention to him. Her eyes widened in fear as she saw those daunting white glowing eyes.

"W-what do you want?!" She stammered. Herobrine smiled, causing the girl to shake with fear.

"Nothing. Well, except to hurt your friend." He stepped towards her, holding his iron sword.

"Stay away from me!" She cried out, stepping backwards. She stumbled over a chair, falling to the ground.

Herobrine stood over her, sword raised. She covered her face, but that wasn't where he was aiming.

"Blame your friend."

Her heart got stabbed straight through. In the server they were in, they wouldn't respawn.

She screamed in pain, her orange hair getting bloody.

The door was kicked open by the man from earlier. The first thing he saw was his friend on the floor, stabbed in the heart.

"I heard a scream... What- Alex!" He cried out. Herobrine stepped to the side, letting him get to her. He knelt down next to his friend. He looked at Herobrine, glaring with rage.

"What have you done, Herobrine?"

"Nothing much, brother of mine."

Tears flowed down his brother's face. Steve looked at Herobrine in desperation.

"Please... heal her." He begged. Herobrine looked at him, coldly and indifferent. He shook his head, much to Steves horror.

"She won't respawn! You know this!"

"You brought this upon yourself the moment you tossed me aside like garbage." Steve looked at him with a raging fury.

"I hate you!" He screamed. Herobrine smirked.

"The feeling is mutual, brother."

"Why not me? Why her?"

"Because, the best revenge is clearly this. Do you not see how broken, furious, angry... you are? It's perfect, just what I wanted."

"I don't deserve this!" Steve yelled, cradling Alex in his arms. Herobrine's smirk quickly faded.

"Oh, my dear brother, you'd be so wrong." He hissed. He rocked back on his heels, holding his sword behind his back as he wasn't using it.

"Trust me, Steve, this is only the beginning." Herobrine turned, kicking the door open and strutting out the house.

Herobrine teleported to his Mansion, right in the middle of the huge throne room. He heavily dropped into his golden throne, leaning back with a triumphant smirk.

Herobrine had just proved that hurting the victim's closest friends hurt them more than hurting the victim's themself.

He smirked, chuckling to himself. The chuckle grew into a hysterical laughter, and he couldn't stop himself. He clutched his stomach as it hurt from how hard he was laughing.

He would keep using this method over and over.

Each time he had succeed.

And he won't stop using it, much to everyone's terror.

(730 words)

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