Chapter 2. Warning

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(sorry for the mistakes last chapter)

POV: Tango Tek
Location: Hermitcraft Server

Xisuma rarely calls server-wide meetings without prior announcement and planning. The last time he did that was when a glitch scrambled the chunks. That was about half a year ago.

Everyone came on, causing my communicator to ring nonstop for the next few seconds. I headed to the Shopping District, where some people were already present.

I stood on the side, silently watching the other Hermits converse. Eventually every Hermit came online and stood around the area where X had asked us to meet. Everyone was there... except Grian. Where was he?

"Alright, I know I don't usually do this on such a short notice, but the Prime Admin wanted me to inform you... uh, that there may be a threat to Minecraft." Xisuma started. Every Hermit shared a look of concern.

"Is that why Grian isn't here?" I quietly ask. Xisuma nodded, looking around at everyone.

"He's meeting with the other Prime Admins and Teir Argentums. There have been sightings of Herobrine-" Sounds of panic and worry interrupted Xisuma.

"Hey, let me finish!" Silence. "Thank you. Herobrine hasn't done anything permanent yet, and lets hope it stays like that. For now, keep an eye out. If Herobrine is near, don't let him get you."

"What do you mean?" Doc asked, slightly leaning on his trident which was impaled in the floor.

"Grian mentioned that he could put spells on you, and access Creative Mode quickly. That's already dangerous." Replied Xisuma, who was furrowing his eyebrows. I frowned, as I know he left a few details out. Originally being from the Nether, I know a couple more things about Herobrine than the average person. Thankfully, no one noticed my expression, since I was sitting in the back of the group with Impulse and Zedaph.

In response to Xisuma's answer, the Hermits began to worry more. Of course they have heard of Herobrine, but they didn't know that he could do that. They didn't know he was that powerful. Who neglected to tell them? Who didn't tell them that there was this man who could turn you against your friends? Against others in general? No doubt they would be mad at whoever forgot to inform them at the beginning.

I shake my head, thinking of the damage they could cause.

"And... that's really it. I know I could have texted you, but I felt like this was more important. Thank you." All the Hermits started talking, worried with the future of Minecraft. Xisuma sat down on a nearby rock, watching everyone talk. I slowly approach him, kindly waving Impulse and Zed away. I needed to talk with Xisuma.

"Hey, Xisuma," I start, causing him to look up at me. I sit on the ground in front of him, picking at the grass aimlessly.

"Hi, Tango." He answered, looking at me with a kind expression.

"I... I know you left out a small detail." I say. He raised an eyebrow.

"Oh?" Xisuma shifted positions on the rock he was sitting on. He put his feet on the floor and leaned forward from his earlier position, which was sitting criss-cross.

"There are other things that Herobrine can do." It was a statement, not a question. Xisuma sighed, sounding resigned.

"And you're right. I didn't want everyone to panic even more than they are now."

"We're talking about the same detail, right?" I ask. He tiled his head, raising one eyebrow again.

"Which one?" There were many things Herobrine could do, but there was one that I was talking about. I believe he knows which one I was talking about, but I just had to be sure.

"Can destroy Minecraft by muttering a couple words?" I quietly say. His eyes shone with a brief glimmer of surprise. But as quickly as it came, it disappeared.

"Yes, that one." He nodded. I look to the ground, picking up a blade of grass.

"What are we going to do about it?"

"Right now, nothing. There is nothing we can do about it. Later, I have no idea. I hope it doesn't get to the point where we have to fight for our lives again." He looked to the side.

"I hope you don't tell anyone?" He looked back at me with a hard expression through his silver-tinted face shield.

"Of course not, Xisuma. I promise I won't unless I actually have to. I seriously hope to God I don't have to." I promise, staring him straight in the eyes. He held my gaze for a few seconds, then slowly nodded. After a few moments of silence, he chuckled.

"I honestly have forgotten you were from the Nether. You learn about him there, correct?"

"Ah, yes, we do. Much more than the average player, I can tell you that." He dipped his head once, looking at the group of Hermits that have not left yet.

"There is one thing I'm concerned about, Tango." Xisuma looked down at me since I was sitting lower than him.

"Yes?" I ask. He nervously rubbed his hands together and crossed his ankles.

"In the Nether... I know that they... uh, see Herobrine as a deity." My breath hitched as I vaguely saw where he was going with his. He continued, only pausing for a split second from my reaction.

"You know that. He knows that. And he'll try and use that to his advantage." After a moment's pause, I respond to Xisuma.

"Do you know why I'm not in the Nether now? The original one? Where Herobrine is seen as a god?" I ask in a quiet and gentle voice. Xisuma shook his head. That's right, I have never told anyone, including Impulse and Zed. Everyone thought I left on my own, or some bull shrimp story like that.

"Well, I was actually kicked out." Xisuma looked at me with surprise. I chuckle at his reaction.

"Yeah. I didn't... I guess I didn't believe in Herobrine. They didn't take kindly to that, so they kicked me out, to the Overworld where I had to cope with cold nights and warm days. Not... not blazing hot everything and everywhere."

"Why are you telling me this? It sounds like the first time you're saying this... mentioning this to anyone."

"Because that is why I'm more of a target." I explain. "He'll want his revenge. Revenge on someone who didn't believe in him. I'm supposedly the first one to do it. And I believe that. I don't see anyone else like me around here." I look around to prove my point, gesturing to nothing specific.

"We'll worry about that if the time comes." Xisuma said, standing up.

"Not if, when." I correct in my head. I didn't dare to say it out loud. That'll bring his hopes down to nothing.

If what I was taught when I was young is correct, Herobrine will come back. He would have the rage of a thousand suns, destroying everything in his path. He would come when you can see the sun and moon at the same time. He would be wielding a bedrock sword, easily destroying the obsidian weapons the three Prime Admins have. He would, with no effort, kill them... if they don't have outside help. But that's a secret source to reveal later.

Xisuma held his gloved hand out, offering to pull me up from the ground. I accepted it, standing up with his help. 

"If that happens, Xisuma, just know that we'll always stand with you. And that we won't go down without a fight, if that ever happens." I say, clapping a hand on his back. He smiled; I could see it in his eyes since the helmet was blocking most of his face.

"We'll be ready." He said, nodding with a smile to me.

(1272 words)

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