Chapter 27. Like a Game

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POV: Third
Location: The Nether

Steve leaned over his brother's dead body, putting a hand on his chest. The Galactic characters on Herobrine's body were starting to pulse a bright light. Steve would have to take the magic from him, or his body would explode. Size of explosion depends on how much magic the user had. Since Herobrine stole magic, he would probably take the entire fortress down including some outside terrain.

Grian backed up, as common sense told him he was probably in the danger zone.

A light pulse of magic filled the room, quickly faded away. A transfer of magic had just happened.

"Oh my goodness, how much did he take? How did he do this without burning up?" Steve muttered, Galactic characters glowing brightly. He was breathing harder than usual. He stood up, backing away from Herobrine's body. The Hermits silently observed what was going on.

Notch looked at Steve through narrowed eyes.

"Steve, this wouldn't have happened if you stopped Herobrine back then." Notch stated. Steve froze. It was the wrong thing to say.

"Are you saying that this is my fault? My fault?!" Steve asked incredulously.


"This is all your fault, Notch!" Steve yelled. "If you didn't tell him about their power, this wouldn't have happened in the first place!"

"He asked me about it, Steve!" Notch retaliated. "I couldn't lie to him, he would eventually find out anyway! Plus, he knew that you had some sort of magic, and would not stop questioning it!"

"No, you planned it all. All of it. You planned it from the beginning. You and your games." Steve accused. Notch adopted an offended look.

"What do you mean?" Xisuma stepped in. "What do you mean by games?" Steve glared at Notch.

"It was a set-up. It was for his own glory." Steve spat.

"That's not-" Notch insisted.

"Admit it Notch, it is true." Steve spat. "All you want is power. Power, control, whatever. You want it. You set it up. That's why you gave Herobrine the power in the first place. You wanted to stage the entire thing, you manipulative idiot." Much to Steve's surprise, Notch only stated to chuckle darkly.

"You've finally realized it, haven't you? Maybe, just maybe, you aren't as moronic as you seem." Notch smirked.

"Oh, no, I realized it from the beginning. I didn't say anything because I knew you could wipe the floor if we dueled."

"Yes, I most likely would." Notch smiled, twirling a diamond sword around.

"What in the Nether is going on? Why are you two suddenly against each other?" A Hermit from somewhere in the outskirts of the room asked. Steve narrowed his eyes and pointed an accusing finger at Notch.

"His plan was to make my brother and I fight by manipulating us. Successful. He's even gotten Alex out of the way. The next step was to declare the victor of the fight evil, and to defeat said person. He would look like a hero, which would cause him to be hailed by every Miencrafter. It was all for his own gain!" Steve yelled, looking at everyone in his audience. As his little explanation was being given, Notch's face was steadily becoming redder and redder.

"He sees it as a game. And we are his pieces."

(559 words)

(i told you i was going to antagonize notch somehow)

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