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"You do realize to complete the trial, you have to duel and defeat me, Nicolas, and Libra?"

"At the same time?"


"To the death?" The other man shook his head.

"Of course not."

"I'll pass, then."

"You sound so sure of yourself."

"Yes, old man, you're leaving after this anyway. Both you and Nico."

"You can't say anything to Libra. She doesn't know. She'll kill you if you knew before her."

"I'm sure I'll be fine."


"I'll be fine, sir. Really, I will." He sighed, looking at the boy in the other chair.

"You're thirteen. You're going to go against me, who's forty three, and Nicolas, who's thirty six. Libra's the only one who's relatively your age, and even she's older than you by a few years." Xelqua shrugged, putting his hands under his thighs and swinging his legs.

"Like I said, you're old and fragile, I'll be fine." He insured. The other man sighed. He turned away, waving a hand. He shook his head, his long brown hair brushing his shoulders.

"Go eat your... was it pasta? What even is that?" He asked. Xelqua nodded a smirk on his face.

"You're right... and I will. It's a delicious food that everyone should have at some point-"

"Whatever floats your boat." The other man walked away, preparing for the trial he had to give in a few days.

~ . . . ~

"Libra, you do it."

"... Fine." She turned to Xelqua, who had knelt on the floor for this occasion.

"I, Prime Admin Libra Skyward, approve of Xelqua Charles' trial, and can confirm that he had passed. He shall now be one of us, and protect Minecraft from threats and dangers... with his life. Do you, Xelqua Charles, agree that you will uphold the expectations of being the top tier rank of admin in Minecraft?"

"Yes, I do."

"Then rise, Prime Admin Xelqua Charles." He stood up, but a sudden scream from immense pain made him stumble forward. Libra caught him, supporting him as he was becoming a Prime Admin.

Xelqua screamed as wings grew, ripping through the skin on his back. They grew from his shoulder blades and made him drip new golden blood. Potions were supplied to make the pain less, but of course, the liquids couldn't make it go away.

After they stopped growing, it was like nothing happened. No pain at all.

Grian looked up at the three Prime Admins who were in their formal robes.

"Welcome to the team, Xelqua." Libra said, clamping a hand on his shoulder. She looked over at the other two. Nico and Gabriel were gently smiling. She immediately knew something was wrong. The two of them were usually playfully insulting each other with every opportunity they get, and usually looked lively. However, lately they seemed tired and exhausted.

"You two alright?" She asked. They nodded. Gabriel stepped forward, nervously rubbing his knuckles.

"Libra, we decided that it's our time to leave, and let a younger pair of people lead and protect Minecraft."

"W-what? No, you can't-"

"Libra," Nico started. "We're getting old, the younger generation of players are getting... weary of us. They think we can't make the right decisions because we're a decade or two older than them."

"So please, release us from our duties in the upcoming moments." Gabriel finished, dipping his head down.

"I can't-"

"We'll do it for each other then, if you don't."

"I've been working with you two for the past decade or so, I can't just let you leave!" Gabriel sighed, closing his eyes.

"F-fine, I'll do it." Libra raised a hand towards the duo. It was shaking.

"Prime Admin Gabriel Evergreen and Prime Admin Nicolas Dagata, I, Prime Admin Libra Skyward, hereby release you of your Prime Admin duties until further notice. You shall be demoted to Tier Argentum or lower, and will walk away as former Prime Admins." She recited, voice shaky and unbelieving. Libra's hand glowed a faint golden color. Though nothing outwardly happened, the Prime Admin magic was stripped away from the two men. Grian silently watched this happen, knowing that what he had just witnessed would be known all over Minecraft.

Gabriel and Nico approached the current Prime Admins, saying their final goodbyes. Gabriel, as he hugged Xelqua, slipped a SD card into his hand. Gabriel stumbled a little, but didn't acknowledge it. He and Nico walked away with relieved faces, no longer stressed with the duties of a Prime Admin.

Libra and Grian watched as they walked out of the doors of the Admin HeadQuarters for the last time.

~ . . . ~

Libra refused to speak to Xelqua. Xelqua is pretty sure she thinks it's his fault her two former best friends left. He didn't mind, however, as he likes to be left alone.

She walked away, wiping silent tears away. She flew to the Prime Admin quarters, not even casting a second glance at Xelqua.

Later that night, when everyone was asleep, Xelqua plugged the SD card into his phone. He sat on the edge of his new bed, curiously clicking around and wondering what it was. A box of words appeared. There were only a few sentences on the file that popped up. Xelqua saw only two unfamiliar words.

Do not show this to anyone. I do not need questions about why I say this.
Xelqua, your real test and journey will begin when someone utters the words, "Hello, I'm Xisumavoid and I'm one of the admins of Hermitcraft." Good luck, and see you on the other side.


Xelqua set the phone aside, taking the SD card out. He put it in his ender chest to keep it safe. He sat back on his bed, pondering the meaning of the message.

Who was Xisumavoid? What was Hermitcraft? What was the test and journey? How dangerous would it be?

Xelqua shrugged. He guessed he'll find out later.

~ . . . Fin . . . ~

(994 words)

(A/N: Thank you for those that have been there since the beginning of this book and this small 'series'. I'm putting an end to this right now. If you want to write something, like a one-shot for this, feel free to do it. However, if you write another sequel or a prequel, just know that I have mixed feeling about both and think this is a good stopping point. Please ping me because I do want to read random thingies like this. [And yes I included two more new characters to expand more possibilities if you want to do something with this.]

STATS (weird flex but ok):
Total words: 38244 (not including A/Ns)
Total pages in Google Docs: 71 (Times New Roman, Size 11)

If you want to use anything in this story, please ask to use the specific detail, credit, and ping me. Don't say I copied you, please. Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you for everything.

And with that, this story shall come to a close on a happy note.

Love you all. <3

P.S.: See, no more cliffhangers! For this book, anyway...)

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