Chapter 23. There was an Effort

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POV: Third Person
Location: The Nether

"So, Notch, what took you so long?" Herobrine sneered. Notch dug his spear a little farther in his throat. Herobrine narrowed his eyes, feeling his warm blood drip down his neck

"I was looking for my weapon that I used before you imprisoned me all those years ago." Notch replied. Herobrine rolled his eyes.

"Obviously. Well, looks like you succeed."

"You're not making out of this alive, Herobrine." Herobrine tilted his head and laughed.

"Is that so? What makes you think that?"

"We'll defeat you quite easily because Steve and I know your flaws-" Herobirne disappeared and reappeared behind Notch. As Herobrine sliced horizontally with his sword, Notch ducked and turned around.

"You do that every time." Notch commented. Herobrine growled and side kicked, making Notch step backwards into the wall.

"Come on now, you can do better." Notch taunted. Herobrine snarled, striking again. Notch threw him to the center of the room with a flick of his wrist. From his place on the floor, Herobrine sent a large ball of explosive energy at Notch, It shot towards Notch and exploded that area. Part of the wall fell, revealing the landscape of the Nether.

No player would have survived that blast, and some even took damage though they were away from it.

However, Notch is Notch, and he survived said explosion.

"Huh." Notch said, looking at his unscathed arms. Herobrine released an annoyed sigh, rolling his eyes.

Herobrine sent another large explosion. Everyone in the room was thrown back and took a great amount of damage (bar the Head Watcher, as he was on Herobrine's side). A few more Hermits poofed away, because they had already low health. Among those people where Joe, Mumbo, and Stress. Many potions being chugged and food being eaten were heard through the room.

Everyone else got back to their feet, some with more difficulty than others. Scar had to have two people help him because of his broken leg. Zedaph and Tango pulled Impulse to his feet. Zed and Impulse were on the brink of dying, but miraculously didn't. The two decided to take cover in the corner of their room, as their weapons had been lost in the heat of the battle.

"Where did the Head Watcher go?!" Grian demanded when he noticed that the Head Watcher had disappeared.

"I don't-" Xisuma started, before feeling a tight rope wrap his wrists together. He cursed, recognizing them. They were tight on his wrists. B

Grian, Biffa, Steve, and Notch had suffered the same fate.

Those fricking magic dampening ropes. However, Grian and Xisuma noticed they were different than before.

Obsidian lined the rope, making it harder to get off. Both high ranked admins groaned in annoyance. The other three knew what they were, however, tried to use magic anyway.

Head Watcher dropped down from the rafters, a smug and satisfied look on his face.

Other Hermits tried to help the admins, but their efforts were in vain.

"Well done." Herobrine begrudgingly complemented. Head Watcher nodded, not saying anything. He disappeared in the shadows again, gone from sight.

Herobrine turned his attention to the Hermit who was farther away from the other Hermits. He started to shoot at him, since it would be easier to catch the one Hermit

"You're the one who left me with a huge slash on my right arm earlier." Herobrine snarled at Doc. Doc faltered in his steps and barely dodged another shot.

"It hurt like the Nether." Herobrine snarled. Doc tripped on a discarded stone sword. He fell to the ground with a thump, wincing in pain as he knew one of his ankles had been broken. Herobrine smirked, twirling a bow. He then nocked a regular arrow on the string of the bow. The arrow that was nocked glowed a bright white glow. The creeper hybrid's eyes widened, knowing that he had no chance to survive. He had three hearts left. That arrow would most definitely perma-death Doc.

Grian, Xisuma, Biffa, Steve, and Notch tried to move, but the magic dampening ropes Head Watcher tricked them into didn't allow them to. The other Hermits weren't close enough to stop the arrow.

"There was an effort to defeat me. And I applaud you for that. But, you can't always win." Herobrine said. He smirked at everyone around him, threatening anyone who dared to try and help Doc. He turned his attention and bow back to Doc, who looked calm on the outside, but was no doubt terrified on the inside.

"Good bye, Docm77." Herobrine said to the fallen Hermit, readying his bow at him. Doc tried to get up, but pain flared in his ankle, causing him to fall with a pained cry again.

The arrow soared, straight a Doc. Nothing could change it's trajectory. Doc was a dead man for sure.

(809 words)

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