Chapter 3. "Great. Just... Great."

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POV: Hypixel
Location: Meeting Room, Admin HeadQuarters

"You know what, I really don't want to do this." I heard Grian mutter. I turned around to see Grian walking towards us. The moment Xisuma and Grian called, we went into the meeting room since we were all in the Admin HeadQuarters.

"Where's Xisuma?" I asked.

"He's talking with the Hermits." He answered, sitting in a chair at the meeting table.

"He should be here-"

"Yes, I know, but he was there with me. I also told him to inform the Hermits, since Herobrine was spotted in their server."

"Are you sure it was him?" AppleG asked. He was still a Tier Argentum admin. He had no intentions of going for Prime unless he was forced to. I, however, leveled up without him, because it was my goal.

"I'm one-hundred percent sure. I- yes, it was him." Grian replied. AppleG looked around with a frown on his face.

"How scary was it?"

"Extremely. Haven't been that scared since..." Grian trailed off, no doubt thinking about what happened a year ago. Everyone knew what he thought of, but didn't comment on it. Grian shrugged. I rolled my eyes, sighing quietly. He continued talking.

"He looked harmless, but I don't know. He may have been trying to get a point across." 

"Huh. He's not wrong." A new, unfamiliar voice said quietly. Grian whipped around, standing and facing the speaker who was standing in the doorway.




"What are you doing here?" Grian demanded. Herobrine smirked, tilting his head in amusement.

"Oh, nothing much. I was just interested in what you were talking about. It happened to be me, what a coincidence." His deep voice sounded casual, as if he was talking about the weather.

"What do you want?" I growled. He shrugged, looking at me directly with his glowing white eyes.


"There's got to be a reason you're here." Libra said, speaking for the first time since we walked into the room.

"Ugh, fine, I guess there was." Herobrine grunted. "I wanted to warn you. It's been far too long since proper ruling over Minecraft. Once I get enough power, I shall correct everything." All the admins stood up.

"No, we won't let that happen. Instead of 'correcting' everything, you corrupt everything. No one will take kindly to that, I know it." Libra stated, stretching her wings out. Grian grabbed her with his golden streaked- arms holding her back.

"It would be a mistake to underestimate me, Skyward."

"You sound like the Head Watcher: stuck up. Look where that got him." She retaliated.

"Don't compare me to that fool of a man." Herobrine sneered, leaning on the doorframe.

"Libra, shut up." Grian muttered into her ear. She pushed him away, making him stumble into AppleG. She stepped forward, letting her energy flow into her arms. Herobrine smirked, stepping to the side. He avoided the magic the Libra sent. He sent one back. Unlike our energy, Herobrine's magic moved twice as fast as ours.

"Libra, move!" I screamed. She started to move, but she was too late. The white beam hit her. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she crumpled to the ground. I barely caught her, preventing her head from hitting the ground. All the admins went into defensive mode. Herobrine just smirked and narrowed his eyes.

I laid a finger on a specific area of her neck, checking for a pulse. I don't think there's anything wrong with her. I shook her, but she didn't show any intention of waking. I look at Grian, who had crouched next to me. We shared a look, a very concerned look.

"What did you hit her with?" Grian growled, narrowing his eyes while trying to find out what was wrong.

"Just a small spell that'll keep her out of action for the time being." Herobrine answered, folding his hands behind his back. He leaned against the wall of the room, silently observing us. Grian turned to him, hands squeezed in a tight fist. His aura was shining, as was mine.

Herobrine's glowing white eyes flashed brightly. He smirked at us, walking around.

"So consider this a warning, admins. I can to worse than teleporting. I can to worse than intimidating people with my eyes. I can do far worse than putting someone to sleep for a while." He hissed. He stopped near a window. Herobrine turned back to us, another smirk upon his lips.

"And no, Grian, I'm not the Head Watcher reincarnated. I'm my own man, and he was his own." He smashed the window and jumped out of it, free falling towards the ground. He must have teleported if he wanted to live.

I picked Libra up, setting her on a bed that an admin had just crafted. She slept peacefully, and thank God it wasn't painful.

I look back towards the group of admins. Grian was squeezing the edge of the table, knuckles turning white. He threw his hands up into the hair in frustration.

"Great. Just... great." He sighed.

"What, Grian." I said.

"I knew it. It's my fault."

"No, Grian, it isn't. You couldn't have prevented this." I tried to reassure him, but it seemed like it didn't work.

"Not that, Hypixel. When I was promoted to Prime Admin, I had the chance to teach people about Herobrine because the previous Prime Admin didn't want to. But I didn't change it. Now, it's too late. He wants revenge on us, and nothing will stop him." He started walking out of the room. He stopped in the doorway and turned to me.

"Hypixel, I don't know what to do. If we say something, the players will panic. If we don't say anything, they'll be mad at us for that. It's a lose-lose situation." The other admins looked at me. They wanted to know what I would do. I took a deep breath, thinking.

"Neither do I, Grian. Maybe for now, we don't say anything. Later, if he bothers the players, we may say. We have to plan this out. We can't make up a plan on the spot. We probably won't get that lucky this time." Grian nodded.

"I'm going back to Hermitcraft. I'm telling Xisuma because he should know about this situation." I nod back, watching him turn and walk down the hall and out of sight. I look at the other admins and they looked back. At the moment I was the only Prime Admin in the room that can make decisions. I sighed. It sounded exasperated and tired.

"Here's what we'll do for now." I proceeded to tell them a plan that I fixed up as I talked. It sounded like a good plan at the moment, until we get more help.

It'll work for now.

(1091 words)

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