Chapter 24. Acknowledging Mistakes

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(ight. here we go again)

POV: Rendog
Location: The Nether

I watched the arrow soar. It was almost in slow motion. I started to run to Doc, heart beating loudly in my ears.

Much to my surprise, a figure dived in front of Doc, taking the arrow in the side. When they landed, they threw themselves into a sloppy roll to absorb the impact. It eventually left them on their fours, dripping blood. However, instead of seeming like they're in pain, they seemed... almost amused. Who would be amused if they were just shot in the side with a fatal arrow?

"Dang, that's some good timing." The figure nodded to themselves in approval, gripping their sword. They pulled the arrow out of their side with a small wince. Doc looked at them with a mixture of disbelief, shock, and surprise.

I take a moment to identify the figure. I suddenly stop in my tracks, realizing who it was.

Everyone in the room realized who it was.

"Head Watcher." Herobrine quietly started, furiously glaring at the dark clad man. Head Watcher directed his attention towards the legend.

"Yeah?" He asked as if he were talking to a friend. I furrowed my eyebrows, taken aback. Wasn't Head Watcher a follower of Herobrine? Why would he disrespect him like that?

"I thought you were loyal to me." Herobrine hissed. The Head Watcher's amused mood quickly faded, replaced with one of hesitance. The Head Watcher took a shaky breath, staggering to his feet. Doc scooted backwards, careful to not disturb his injury. That reminded me to start walking to Doc again. I discreetly did, walking in the shadows of the room.

Head Watcher slowly slipped the hood off of his head, revealing a tan handsome face which was scarred from many battles. His purple eyes glowed, but not like before. It was a lighter purple, like an admin's color but only a few shades darker. His hair was tied back, but was slightly messy from the earlier fights.

He twirled his diamond sword and ripped his black Watcher cloak off that signified he was the Watcher's leader, dropping it into an open flame that came from one of many explosions. The purple under clothes he was wearing shimmered and reformed into normal black clothes, which matched the color of his long hair. He put a gentle hand to his injury, putting pressure on it to stop the bleeding. His hand was quickly getting stained with his purple blood.

"No. I'm not loyal to you anymore, and haven't been in a while. Since the time I gave you your main revenge method. Since you heartlessly killed your brother's best friend. I stopped supporting you the moment I got word that you killed Alex." Tango's eyes quickly widened, as did many of ours. The Head Watcher was the man in the first myth. He was Herobrine's loyal subject.

I saw Steve freeze, looking at Head Watcher with mixed reactions. It was his fault that Alex was no longer around. However, Head Watcher had just saved Doc...

"I thought we were close, Kyros. I took you in when no one else did." Head Watcher sneered at hearing that name. I knelt down next to Doc, trying to support him. We were directly behind the Head Watcher. I wanted to get out of this area. Herobrine could shoot and Head Watcher might move out of the way. No good.

"I would have rather died than you touching me. You ruined my life." Herobrine tilted his head, expressing a questioning look. I started to help Doc stand up. From the earlier fights, he was in a bad condition and would need many healing potions.

"How? I saved you from the hands of death." Herobrine sneered.

"You should have left me." Kyros hissed. He pulled his hand away from his would, watching it drip purple and red blood dripping from his side. I frowned. His blood used to be only purple.

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