Chapter 21. Swords, Spears, Daggers, Projectiles, and Magic

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POV: Xisumavoid
Location: Throne Room, The Nether

Maybe doing this thing was an entire mistake. Maybe... maybe there was a way to get out of this situation. Maybe this is all a dream, right?

I discreetly pinch myself. Ouch.

"You pathetic players have forgotten who I am." Herobrine growled. He was grasping his bedrock sword until his knuckles turned white. He stepped down from the hole, slowly walking towards us.

"You underestimated my power. What I can do. What I am capable of." He continued, stopping at least ten blocks away from us.

"Or we chose to not acknowledge it." Grian muttered under his breath. I nudged him in the arm, careful to avoid his side. He ignored me, probably to not bring attention to us. At some time he had managed to get his armor onto his body. I shake my head a little to myself.

"I can turn you against your pitiful server-mates with just a finger. I can bring down the fortress without sweating. I can tear Miencraft down with just a few words." Those who didn't know this previously, had a look of horror on their face.

"Then why haven't you done that yet?" Biffa bravely asked.

"If I destroy Minecraft, I also destroy myself. If I take the fortress down, I'm destroying my home. Controlling people is no fun." He answered. He then glared at everyone around him.

"You are fools for going against me. I will, and I promise you, I will take over Minecraft." Herobrine vowed.

"Not with us around, you won't." Steve stepped forward. Herobrine glared at his brother.

"Then I will have to get rid of you." Herobine's sword glowed a white glow as he raised it over his head. Grian pushed everyone who was in danger out of the way.

"Don't let that sword kill you when it's glowing!" Yelled Grian. "You won't respawn!" Once again, Herobrine's and Steve's sword clashed. Grian, Biffa, and I sent blasts of magic at the evil legend. He responded by holding one hand up and deflecting it back to us. We dropped to the floor, avoiding them. Above us, arrows whistled, potions sailed, tridents flew, and the occasional sword was thrown at Herobrine. Somehow, he avoided them all. Stepping out of the way, deflecting, grabbing them out of the air, and even flipping to dodge the projectiles.

Now in the center of the room, he still was dueling his brother while taking care of us. Both were glaring at each other with flaming fury that cannot be otherwise described. I sent another blast, only for it to be deflected into Wels. Wels was pushed back. There goes half his heath. I threw him an apologetic expression, and somehow he saw it through my helmet. He shrugged it off, not holding anger to me.

"Just like the old times, brother." Steve sneered at the last word. Herobrine snarled, parring and countering Steve's attack.

"And I will be the victor, Steve." Herobrine hissed, throwing a kick at Steve. It caught him in the stomach, making him stumble back. An arrow headed towards Herobrine's head, but was redirected into Steve's thigh. Steve fell onto his butt, clutching his leg in pain.

Herobrine did not have enough time to finish his brother before Grian and I attacked simultaneously. Herobrine growled and stepped back, slicing at midsection level. Grian ducked as I jumped really high. The blade avoided both of us. When I landed I sliced forward with my diamond, using my momentum to elbow him in the face. Grian sliced upwards diagonally, cutting Herobrine across his chest.

Herobrine backed up, smirking and wiping golden blood from his face. Shot after shot of magic blasts were directed to us, and sometimes the Hermits. I wasn't quick enough to avoid some of them (there goes some health), but Grian was. He also managed to send blasts of magic back at Herobrine. Some did hit their mark, which made Herobrine lose a bit of health.

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