Chapter 14. The Second Foe

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(guys. Guys. guys. Im scared. Dont kill me after this.)

POV: Xisumavoid
Location: The Nether

My breath hitched as I stepped backwards. I shake my head, eyes wide and breath getting faster and faster. I felt Xanthus' hand on my arm as support, but it did not do anything to help or comfort me.

That person who was summoned... oh how much I want to kill him.

It was an easy explanation, really. He has caused so much trouble, trauma, and harm in general, it's like trouble follows him. Maybe it's his middle name.

"Herobrine... you brought me back." The Head Watcher said in a disbelieving voice. Herobrine rolled his eyes.

"Yes, of course I did, you dense twit."

"I'm... I'm not dead?" Head Watcher asked, looking at his hands.

"Obviously." Head Watcher looked at us. A sneer appeared on his face.

"Oh. You guys." Grian growled.

"Thought we got rid of you, Kyle." He said.

"Well. Clearly not." Kyle replied. I sent a blast of admin magic at him. He deflected it into the wall, looking at me from under the hood with his flaming purple eyes.

"Xisumavoid. Promoted to Silver rank, huh?"

"Quite possibly, what gave it away?" I asked, ducking under quick blast of magic. I look back at Xanthus, seeing his concerned face. I deflect a beam of magic, scooting back to my brother.

"What." I ask.

"What, what?" He says.

"You know. You look concerned."

"I... well, that's because I am." He said.


"I... can't directly say why, but I can say it's not as it seems." He answers, dropping to the floor as another beam of magic flies over his head. As we spoke, the fight had continued with Notch nowhere to be found.

Now 2v5, it was still a difficult fight. Head Watcher didn't really try to harm us, but if we were off guard, he could hurt us.

Which, he did.

I was thrown into the wall. Head Watcher likes doing that. Dramatic flair and everything.

Grian was pushed to the ground and Steve was thrown into a pillar. Herobrine was winning his duel with Grian and Steve, but the latter two were giving him a run for his money.

Iskall was able to cut Head Watcher, causing him to bleed purple and red blood. That was normal, as Head Watcher was a Watcher. Kyle retaliated with a punch, giving Iskall a bloody nose.

Xanthus did nothing. No joke, he stood off to the side and observed.

The doors were pushed open. It was by the female Hermits, who were well equipped with armor and stocked with supplies. False had a diamond sword, Stress had a bow and a trident, and Cleo had her sword and bow. They scattered as Kyle sent a blast at them. He got a couple arrows in his leg and side.

Head Watcher cried out in pain and backed away, trying to heal himself. It was half working. Iskall advanced, ignoring the red blood dripping on the floor and his clothes. Head Watcher brought his sword up and blasted Iskall back.

I scrambled to my feet, grunting in pain as I felt a rib was dislocated. Whatever, that can wait for now.

Though it was hard to breathe.

I chucked a potion of poison at the Head Watcher. It missed, but didn't. It poisoned Herobrine, which made him turn to me in annoyance. He knocked me into the wall again, with a flick of his wrist, and turned back to Grian and Steve. Cleo helped me up, quickly healing me with a few potions. Somehow, those potions fixed my ribs. It was only a dull ache instead of a stabbing pain. Cleo then rushed away, probably helping another Hermit.

I turned, only to be knocked on the side of my helmet with the flat side of Head Watcher's blade. I brought my own up and blocked his other incoming strike. I pushed and he pushed. I look to the side and see that Iskall and False has been injured. Cleo was helping Stress, quickly sliding potions to Iskall and False.

Head Watcher suddenly stopped pushing my blade and ducked. I stumbled forward, falling to the ground from the momentum. I tried to get up and turn around.

I felt a blade under my chin.

I looked up, seeing that Head Watcher was wielding the sword. He narrowed his flaming purple eyes at me, raising his sword above. He was getting ready to strike me.

I tried to push him away, but it didn't work. Both physically and magically. The way i was on the ground limited my movement and ways to escape.

He sliced downward.

Grian flew to me from his fight with Herobrine, pushing me (more like shoving me from the side) out of the way. I slid away from the amount of force, looking back for a millisecond.

The sword came down on his wings.

But I looked away right before they sliced through. I just couldn't watch.

A quiet thump was loud enough for my ears to hear.

(ok im done for tonight. you are probably going to kill me for bringing Head Watcher back, but it's for the plot, promise.

Also, the cliffhanger. Um. yeah... Frick i have two reasons you guys can kill me gotta run-)

(886 words)

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