Chapter 34. Recovery and Return

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POV: Third Person
Location: Admin HQ

It was maybe a few days later when every Hermit was healed fully. They insisted that they wait so they can go as a group, as a family.

With the power of potions and certain magic, their injuries and wounds healed faster than normal. Depending on the severity, the time was either slower, or quicker. However, for Zedaph, Impulse, and Tango, the scars to heal weren't on their body.

Since Herobrine personally hurt the first two, the hurt was in their minds. All the healers could do was give them space and time. It hurt the other Hermits to see, but they knew they couldn't do anything. They just gave them their never-ending love.

Grian's situation was assessed. They decided to heal his wings by taking them out and creating a cast for them. Grian was knocked out and healed. No one saw what happened due to privacy, but they heard that there was a vast amount of golden blood. Apparently, it was so painful that Grian's expression was one of pain, even though he was unconscious.

The cast he got was black and can only fit when his wings were folded on his back. They aren't allowed to retract since they have to heal. Grian will have to find some way to fit the elytra on his back along with his wings. He still doesn't want his Higher Power status revealed.

~ . . . ~

As all the Hermits approached the Hermitcraft portal with a few admins to escort them, they quietly chatted with each other.

"Alright, we need a back up plan so we don't get too hurt." Iskall said, a grin on his face.

"Yeah. Just keep in mind, the people in the server already are Wels, Scar, False, Joe, Stress, and Mumbo." Ren listed off. The Hermits close to the mentioned people winced, knowing they will get yelled at. Well, hugged first, then yelled at.

One by one, they stepped through the portal. Grian was first. Though he didn't want to, he was basically pushed through. They followed him, amused. A smile sat upon each of their faces as they disappeared through the portal after the last person, the portal closed with a pop, letting no one else in.

As Grian stepped out, his communicator exploded with urgent beeps. The Hermits started to fill the area, looking around at where they were. It was an open field, vaguely familiar.

In the distance, Grian saw Mumbo Jumbo clumsily flying through the air followed by the other Hermits. They were rushing towards him and the other Hermits. Mumbo didn't bother to land before hugging Grian as tight as he could.

"Ah-! Careful with the wings-" Grian yelped, a sudden pain shooting up his back from the extra body part. Mumbo apologized many times, loosening his hug. However, he still held quite tight.

"Are you okay? What happened after I was killed? Why were you gone for so long? How-" Grian chuckled, wiping a tear from his eyes.

"We'll explain later. No videos also." Grian said, pulling away. All over the field, many Hermits were being yelled at, but congratulated for making it back. Some were slapped, others were caught in a bone-crushing hug. In the end, they all knew that they were glad that they made it out alive.

Xisuma approached Grian, taking something out of his pocket. It was the SD card for Grian's communicator that supposedly had something important on it. I guess Grian got a new SD card for his phone to be functional.

"What was on this?" X asked, holding the card out for Grian. Grian smiled as he took the card. He put it in a pocket of his own.

"Thanks for keeping it safe. It was a pasta recipe." Grian replied with a smirk on his face. Xisuma stared at him.

"... Really?" Grian laughed and shook his head. He wasn't going to tell anyone yet. Xisuma looked disappointed, but he couldn't blame Grian. Some things are better to be left alone. He understands that everyone has their secrets...

~ . . . ~

Every Hermit and admin were thinking of what the next year would hold. Last year was the Watcher problem. This year was Herobrine and Notch. What would next year bring us?

Hopefully nothing. For once, they all wanted a year with no life threatening situation. They just wanted to have fun with each other. That's it.

Sounds like a pretty good plan, doesn't it?

(751 words)

(hang in there with me, just one more chapter and maybe a bonus.)

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