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Next Morning•
i ran down the stairs and took an apple from the bowl. "bye ma, love you." i said as i kissed her on the cheek. "caleb!" she called after me. "yes ma'am?" i said. "please, check on blythe, i'm worried." "nah, man she's gonna call me an asshole for caring." "trust me, i know kids. please, just watch out for her." i nodded and squeezed my face. i ran out the door and waited by the bus stop. i turned and saw blythe walking my way.

"hey." i said with a smile. i could tell she was still pissed off.

"hi." she said looking away. i stared at her for a minute. i remembered the cut on her arm and immediately looked, but it was covered up by her sleeve. she turned and looked at me.

"it's not that big of a deal, dumbass." she said.

"did you clean it? put a bandaid on it?" i asked concerned. she looked at me and said, "stop talking." i nodded and looked forward.

"bus takes forever." she said.
"i mean, we are 10mins early." she gave me a stare and i looked away. man, she makes things so hard. i took a deep breath. "i'm sorry, if i overstepped boundaries. it wasn't my place and i guess i'm an asshole for it." i said with looking at her. i could feel her eyes on me, wondering what to say next.

"uh huh, okay." i sighed and felt like giving up. i know i did a lot of dumb crap to her in the past, but she don't gotta be a bitch. finally the bus came and we hopped on, but of course didn't sit close to each other. this girl finna kill me.

i sat down on the bus and was in my thoughts. he said sorry. the least i could do was say "it's okay" or "i understand what you did", but instead.....i'm rude, but can you blame me? put me through stupid crap all for laughs.

[The Ghetto]
i walked into class and instantly wanted to die. when i saw basic bitch karen walk in, i wanted to die even more.
"the hell do you want now?" i asked annoyed.
"sooo, heard zion mood into your neighborhood." she said with a smile.
"bitch, don't even think for a second i'm gonna help you get to him because listen here, i literally hate both of y'all with ever fiber in my being, okay? y'all dumbass niggas deserve each other. now please, leave me alone." i said with confidence.
"bitch do you know who the hell you talking?" she asked angrily.
i chuckled and answered, "a stupid ass bitch named karen." she stood there and gave me a facial expression i couldn't read.
"this isn't over, bitch." she walked away.
i sighed and nodded to myself. bitch, you did THAT. you THAT bitch. kyla walked in with zion by her side. "the hell?" i mumbled. she walked over with a smile.
"what was that?" i asked calmly.
"just a friendly conversation with a couple of friends." she said.
"since when were you guys friends?" i asked
"what's up with you? you can't keep light skinned daddy to yourself."
"i don't want him at all."
"then don't say shit." she said and rolled her eyes.
she's never said that crap to me before....

longer chapters coming back...🤎

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