Finding A Way Out

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Blythei finally arrived at the hospital

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i finally arrived at the hospital. i ask the nurse up front who i was going to see. she told me his room number and i speed walked over there. i was eager to see his face again.

i slowly opened the door and saw his peaceful face. the sound of beeping machines and all the stuff he was hooked on, took me back to the accident. i had a gut feeling it was my fault. he was angry and sped down the road.

i sat down next to him and started tearing up. seeing him in this condition was killing me softly. i held his hand and played with his dreads.

"i miss you." i said quietly.

i didn't know if he could hear me or not, but i decided to say some words.

"hey, bud. you might not be able to hear me, but that's fine. i just wanted to say that i miss you so much. your family and friends miss you. thank you for helping me through the darkest time of my life, even though i didn't deserve it. trust is, that all the time we've spent together, my hatred for you has gone. it's been gone for awhile, but i never wanted to admit it. i love you, zion and i hope you wake up soon."

i felt like it was necessary to say this. he needed all the love and comfort in the world. i hope he could hear me.

after my message, i left the hospital. i didn't feel like i needed to stay any longer. i didn't go back to school nor home. i went to starbucks and ordered a drink. i sat down and rested, since my leg hurts.

"gosh, i'm so tired." i said to myself.

later, i got a text from kyla saying that she heard about zion. i didn't answer because i don't need to waste my time on her.

he was the only thing on my mind. i wasn't able to distract myself with anything. everything reminded me of him and it drove me mad. i wanted to forget him, i wanted to take him out of my brain, even for a couple of hours.

i walked out of the starbucks and started wondering. there was a bar near by, but i'm a minor. i walked in and sat down at a table.

"what you want? lemonade?" the bartender said.

"no, i-"

"she's with us." a girl said.

she was beautiful. she had long beautiful blonde hair and nice blue eyes.

"come here." she said waving her hand.

"what's your name?" another asked.

"blythe." i said shyly.

"blythe...cute. what is someone like you doing at a bar? you're a minor." the blonde one asked.

"i wanted to be free. i wanted to forget some things, but i can't buy alcohol."

"wanna drink your problems away? i got you." the one with black hair said.

"what's your name?" i asked.

"ansley." she said taking a sip of her drink.

"i'm back."

"what's your name?"

"charlotte." she said with a light smile. i nodded.

"we really shouldn't be giving this girl alcohol, though ansley."

"give it to her. no one will find out."

she gave me a bottle and stuffed it in my bag. it was a pretty big, but not too big of a bottle.

"get out of here, kid. this ain't a place for someone as cute as you." ansley said.

i waved and walked quickly out of the bar.

i opened the bottle and drank as much as i could at once. i made a sour face and spit some of it out.

"whatever takes away the pain." i said to myself. i stuffed it back in my bag and started walking home.

it was 3am in the morning. i slowly opened the door to hear my dad snoring on the couch. i walked up the stairs and fell on my bed. i shoved them alcohol under my bed.

i know zion wouldn't like the fact that i'm drinking, but at this point i had nothing else. i was lost and tired of feeling such pain. i drank half of the bottle and started to feel a little tipsy. i laid my head down on my pillow and tried to sleep.

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