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Blythei went back to the same bar, thinking i would see charlotte and ansley again

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i went back to the same bar, thinking i would see charlotte and ansley again.

i sat down at a table, took out the alcohol and poured it in a cup. i quickly put the alcohol back in the bag and started drinking.

"boo!" i heard. i jumped and looked behind me.

"did i scare ya?" ansley laughed.

"a little."

"come on, babygirl. why are you back? you're a kid, don't you have homework?" she asked.

"no, and i'm back because i needed to get away again. where's charlotte?"

"couldn't make it tonight, but i'm glad a found another drinking buddy." she said taking a sip of her alcohol.

"why are you allowing me to drink?"

"even teens need to take the edge off. walk with me." she said standing up.

i took my bag and cup and started walking out the door. it was a little cold. we leaned on a railing and felt the breeze go through our hair.

"talk to me. what's going on in your life?" she asked.

"my mom left when i was 10 and my dad is an abusive alcoholic dad."

"i've heard a lot of those. must be tough."

"yeah. there was.....no....is this guy named zion and he helped me recover from my father's rape. we hated each other when we were kids and he always pulled the dumbest shit on me to make me look bad. he recently came back into my life and he's been nothing, but.....special. he helped me when my father raped me and he also helped me when i jumped out of my window and broke my leg." i took a gulp of alcohol.

i made a sour face and shook my head.

"that's what happened to your leg?" she asked.

i nodded.

"i didn't go to the hospital because they were most likely gonna notify my father, so zion patched it up." i nodded trying not to cry.

"he seems to really care for you."

"yeah, uh, he's in a coma." i said.

i looked down at the ground and tried to control myself.

"awh, you poor thing. mind telling me what happened?"

"did you watch the news last week? about an accident and there was a young boy, dreads, light skin."

her eyes immediately popped out of her head.

"no way! that was him?!" she yelled.

i nodded and sobbed.

"come here."

i gave her a hug and held on tightly.

"i was such an ass to him and now he might die."

"hey, he will be okay. poor kid was speeding."

"yeah.." i said.

i looked inside my cup and noticed that i finished all my alcohol. i took out the bottle and refilled my cup. i started to chug the whole cup.

"woah, slow down, girl. i know you're hurting, but you need to slow down on the drinking." she said.

i walked back into the bar and sat down again.

"sometimes, i wish i could turn back time." i said wiping my tears away.

"same, but you're gonna be fine." she said taking my hand.

her phone started to buzz.

"hold on, it's my boyfriend. hey babe, what's up?" she said standing up and going to the bathroom.

i got up and walked out of the bar. i could barely walk a straight line.

"home....i wanna go..home."

i was almost there when a man started to approach me.

"hey, baby! what you doing during this time of night?" he said getting closer.

"bitch, fuck off....." i said almost falling.

"awh, you tipsy? here, lemme help you."

he started to touch my arms and i tried to fight back.


"STOP MOVING!!" he yelled and smacked me on the floor.

i slowly started to back away, until someone whacked him over the head with a shovel.

"fucking kyla?!" i yelled.

"what the hell are you doing here?!" she yelled.

"why the hell are you following me?!"

"a thank you would've been nice."

"how did you know i was here?"

"your fucking snap location. tell me what the hell you're doing at a bar?" she asked.

"why is that your business? those are the exact words you said when i asked why you had pliers."

"why do you need to know why i have pliers? i can use those for several things!"

"whatever, thanks anyway. you can leave now."

"no way! what kinda friend would i be to leave you alone?"

"well, you would have to be a friend first."

"you have to let go of the past! zion would want us to be friends again." she elbowed me.

"i don't think he would, but okay."


"what?! what do you want?! i don't need you anymore, so just leave me alone."

"if this is because of zion, then i cant believe you."

"you're such a fucking hypocrite." i said pushing her.

"watch it! you can end up in a hospital bed just like zion!"

i stopped myself and slowly backed away. i looked at her and shook my head slowly in disbelief.

"why would you say that? you know, ever since zion went to the hospital, you've been so clingy. you all of a sudden wanted to be besties again and for what? because zion is out of the picture? it's like you wanted the accident to happen."

"what are you on? of course, i didn't want that accident to happen! he could be dead! did you forget i used to like him? i still care for him!"

"then why make a statement like that? you've been acting way too calm to be sad that he's in a coma."

"fuck you, blythe! we all act differently when someone we care about is in pain and could die! i act chill, so i don't look like a fucking wimp! like you!"

"just go!"

she backed away and started walking.

i finally arrived home and crashed on my bed. tonight could've gone really bad. i could've been kidnapped or raped or even murdered. i do thank kyla, but she's being so fucking weird. like who acts like this when someone a lot of people are care, is in the hospital?


𝒴𝑜𝓊𝓇𝑒 𝓌𝑒𝓁𝒸𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝓈𝒾𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓈✨

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