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Zioni actually went to bed so peaceful

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i actually went to bed so peaceful. i haven't had a good sleep in months. waking up with a smile on my face was definitely a great feeling.

i ran down the stairs and greeted my family.

"goooooood morning, kuwonus." i said with a smile. i kissed my mom on the cheek and stole elom's mini pancake.

"hey!" he yelled.

"sorry, it's already digesting." i said.

"well, it's good to have you back."

"it's good to be happy again. does this still mean i have to go to therapy?"

"yes, you still have to go. you're still having nightmares about your accident."

i sighed. ever since what happened to blythe, i got my nightmares back.

"but last night, i didn't get bad dreams."

"that was one time. that doesn't determine the future." she said.

i knew she was right. i mean, i could have an awful nightmare and wake up in a pool of sweat.

"fine. i guess you're right."

"what're y'all plans for today?" mom asked.

"hospital. only that." i said.

"of course, he gotta see his boo." elom said.

"not my boo, never will be my boo. she's just my best friend." i said putting my plate in the sink.

"but you have feelings for her." keke said.

"never said that either!" i yelled while running up the stairs.

i got ready and jetted out the door.

"later, losers!" i yelled.

Skip Time

she looked sleepy.

"awh....zzzzzzzz." she said.

"you good?"

"now that you're here, i'm better than good."

i don't think she realizes how much that means to me.

"did you eat yet?"

"yep. ugh, i hate hospital food so much. i don't know how people can stomach it." she complained.

"i could bring you some lunch, if you like." i suggested.

a smile formed on her face. blythe has always been in love with food.

"chick-fil-a would be nice."

"chick-fil-a it is then."

we talked for hours. shockingly, talking for this long didn't feel awkward. i mean, she's been in a coma for 6 months. i didn't think she would remember everything, but she did. the good and bad.

it was silent for a moment, but it wasn't awkward. she grabbed my hand and looked at me in the eyes. i could tell something was bothering her, but i didn't know what.

"can you do me a huge favor?" she asked.

"yeah, anything."

"can you....go to my house and check on my father?"

i was a little shocked about the request. i didn't think she would care about her father that much, after what he put her through.

"why would you want me to do that?"

"i don't know. he's probably still a drunk, but i wanna see how he's doing."

i nodded.

"well, if that's what you want."

"i do."

"all right." i whispered and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"and zion?"


"i'm sorry."

"what are you sorry for?"

"for drinking." she cried.

"we'll get through it. i'm not mad at you."

she forced a smile. time for a little trip to blythe's house.

Skip Time
i nervously knocked on the door.

"hello?" i yelled after waiting a couple mins.

i knocked again. still no answer.

i tried opening the door and it was unlocked.

"hello?" i said again entering the home.

"awh, what is that smell?" i said to myself. it wasn't pleasant one bit.

i started walking into the living room. it was a complete mess. no sign of her dad tho.

"anyone home?" i said.

i walked up the stairs and looked in blythe's room. looks like everything was still in place here.

"i cant stand the smell." i mumbled.

i walked into the master bedroom. there laid a lifeless body, covered in vomit and alcohol. i covered my mouth and nose.

"oh fuck....fuck fuck fuck..." i said. i put my hands on my head with my mouth slightly opened.

i dialed 911.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"there's.....there's a body in.....oh fuck." i couldn't even speak.

"calm down, sir. what seems to be the problem?"

"my friend's dad is....dead and i don't know what to do....she...she told me to check and...he's gone. he's not breathing. he's covered in vomit and alcohol...." i still placed my hand on my nose.

"awh...that smell."

i told them the location. i sat there and waited for the cops.

"fuck...what am i gonna tell blythe?"

when they arrived, i was told to wait outside. my mom heard the noise and came out.

"why didn't you tell me?" she asked.

"i just found out. oh mom, it was awful. it looks like he's been dead for days."

"it's okay baby." she hugged me.

this is probably the most messed up thing i've ever seen. what am i gonna tell blythe? how will she take the news?


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