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Blythei answered the door and saw the person i've missed the most

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i answered the door and saw the person i've missed the most.

"hey." he said weakly.

"oh my gosh." i hugged him immediately.

"i wish i could hug you back, but yo boy gotta hold these crutches."

"i'm sorry. i'm so sorry, get inside."

the rest of the family came out of the car and headed inside.

"we wanted to surprise you." mandy said.

"i know i hate surprises, but this one is an exception." i said looking at him.

poor baby has been through a lot. he deserves rest and family.

i realized all the crap that was happening. i've been causing too much trouble for this family.

"i gotta go." i said with a blank face.

"what? your babe just got here." elom said.

"i know, but i haven't been home in awhile and-"

"home? where have you been then?" zion asked.

oh, just the bar and your house.


"no, you're not doing this again. you're not gonna run away."

"you don't understand. i've been causing problems to this family and you guys don't deserve that." i said.

"hey, you're not a problem at all. we love having you here and we love helping you too." keke said.

"you're always welcome." mandy chimed in.

wow, it's rly hard getting away from this family. i love them, but they don't know what's happening.

"ma, if she wants to go home, then let her. it's late anyway." elom said.

"that won't be necessary." she said.


"she can stay in zion's room. right z?"

"uhh, yeah sure." he said confused.

i knew what she was doing. i'm not clueless. because of that note last night, she thinks i'm gonna kill myself.

"i'll be upstairs." i said.

my mama sounds mad controlling right now. why can't she let the poor girl go home? it's like 7pm. she's probably tired.

"just let her go?" i said finally, but she was already upstairs.

"she's staying here for a bit."


"why? you're acting like you don't love it. we all know how you feel about her." she said.

"this ain't about that, ma. why you forcing her to stay like that?"

"zion, you just came from the hospital. go upstairs and get some rest, okay? we'll discuss this later."

i walked upstairs and saw her sitting up on the bed.

"sorry about my mama. she can be controlling."

"it's fine. i like it here." she looked around.

"how are you?" i asked.

"i'm okay. how's your leg?"

"it hurts a little, but nothing i can't manage. i see yours is okay and working."

she smiled and looked down.

"yeah." her whole mood changed.

"wanna talk about it?"

"about what?"

"what's bothering you."

she sighed and shook her head.

"i'm fine."

"you're not."

i sat next to her.

"it's just been here with you not here."

"i'm here now, so what else is the problem?"

she looked at me.

"kyla is still being annoying."

i chuckled.

"anything new happen while i was gone?"

oh, i started drinking, your mom thinks i'm suicidal, kyla and charlotte tried to kill you, shall i go on?

"nope, it's been pretty boring."

"if there's anything you wanna talk about, you can talk to me, all right?"

she nodded. i kissed her forehead and went to the bathroom.

he's still the sweetest. i should be taking care of him, but instead he's looking out for me. i feel so bad not telling all the shit that's happening. it's all circled around him, but i don't want him to panic. he just came home and he deserves to rest.

"ready for bed?" he asked.

"i'll sleep on the floor."

"on the hard floor? nah, you're sleep in the bed with me."

i looked at him a little bit shocked.

"chill, we're not gonna doing anything. i'll keep my hands to myself."

i mean, who could doing anything with that broken leg?

he climbed in the bed. i didn't say a word. i really don't belong here.

"you okay?" he whispered.

"i'm okay." i whispered back.

"you just love lying to me, huh?"

"if i didn't scream at you that day, you wouldn't have gotten in your car. if i just owned up to my mistakes and stopped blaming you for everything wrong in my life, you wouldn't have been in a coma and you wouldn't have a broken leg." i cried.

"hey, none of this is your fault, okay? something was wrong with the brakes. it wasn't you, and don't you dare blame yourself." he hugged me.

"i cant stay for long." i finally said.


"because i have things i need to take care of."

"are you-"

"you, my friend, don't need to worry. you just got home."

i lay down on his chest and listening to his heart beat. it's kinda crazy how far we came. i hated his ass so much.

i woke up in the best place possible. in my favorite kuwonu's arms.

"morning." he said in a deep raspy voice.

"morning." i said back.

i got up and went to the bathroom. i didn't have clothes to change in, so i just washed my face and used the toothbrush mandy gave to me. he came behind me and kissed my head.

"you're not my boyfriend, you know?"

"i cant kiss yo head?" he asked.

"nope. never again."

"we shall see about that, huh?"


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