Her Feelings

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i didn't look at my father or walked in his direction. i started to trail up the stairs as fast as i could, but my leg was holding me back. i have school tomorrow and i need crutches.
when i arrived at my room, i sat down on my bed, thinking about everything that has happened. it's none of zion's or his family's business what's going on with me. i didn't ask for help or anything. i am perfectly fine with my life, i'm used to it.

"who am i fooling?" i said to myself.
i felt like taking a shower, but how could i do that with a broken leg that's not properly patched? i wanted to call zion, but i never got the man's number.

"why would i want his number?" i asked myself.
i have to stop fighting the truth and just admit, that i don't hate zion as much as i did in the beginning. he's been sweet and kind, but i still have a feeling that he's waiting for the right time to strike an embarrassing prank. i smiled at just the thought of him. i felt butterflies in my stomach. i quickly slapped myself in disbelief.

"why is he doing this to me?" i asked myself as i put my hands in my face.
i got up and tried to change. i took off the bandages and put on my jams.


Was the only thing on my mind. i slowly got into bed and stared at the ceiling. maybe he's thinking about me too?

Are you stupid, Blythe? what has gotten into you? this man is no good. steer clear!

i snapped out of it and tried to fall asleep.


i went downstairs with my old crutches and was stopped by my madre.

"where do you think you're going with those?" she asked walking out of the kitchen.

"well, blythe broke her leg and these come in handy, so i wanted to give them to her." i said nodding. she grew this smile.

"awh, look at you! helping out blythe." she said rubbing my back. i nodded unsurely.

"yeah.......so can i go now?" she nodded and i jetted out of the door. i walked over to her house and knocked on the door.

a drunk man, which i was thinking was her dad, opened the door. the smell of alcohol and cigarettes filled my nose.

"who are you and what do you want?" he said slurring on his words. this isn't the same guy from years ago who would love to take care of me and play with me. i could barely recognize him.

"your daughter broke her leg and didn't get proper attention on it, so i wanted to give her these crutches." i said handing them over. he snatched them out of my hand and threw them in his house. my eyes widened.

"great! anything else?" he asked with his eyes half closed. i shook my head and walked back to my house.


i heard my dad talking to someone, but i was took lazy to go check it out. i looked at my phone and texted kyla.

Hey kyla

it's been awhile. how've you been?

i've been better

how are you and mr. sexy light skin?

we are nothing and you know that

you liar. i wanted to come over, but i saw him picking you up in bridal style.

oh you were there.....? i promise you there's nothing going on

i hope not.


i kinda like him, BUT if there's anything going on with y'all, then i'll back off.

no way! i knew it.. and no there's nothing going on between us.

okay good. i was planning on asking him out to hang. you think it's a good idea?

of course it's not!!

yah sure! i bet he likes you too


i turned off my phone. i didn't want to continue the conversation. my best friend going after my childhood enemy? how am i suppose to feel about this? kyla deserves to be happy, but not with him. and i know for a fact that zion is going to say no, so why should i worry? and why am i worrying? she should go for it! doesn't hurt me in anyway right?

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