Heart Beat

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Zionguess who's sick? bruh, this fever been bugging for a couple of days now

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guess who's sick? bruh, this fever been bugging for a couple of days now. i cant take it. my mom wouldn't let me go visit blythe because of it. how rude. today is gonna be another boring day.

"zion? want anything from outside?" my mom peaked in my door.

"no, mom." i sounded congested.

"i'm gonna buy you some nyquil." brooo, nyquil be working wonders, but taste so nasty bruh.

"mhm." i responded. i didn't have the energy to go downstairs. just brush my teeth and go back to bed.

"ughh." i yelled in my pillow. i hate being sick. i get real moody when i am.

"yo, can i borrow a shirt?"

"nigga, i don't care." i said to elom. he shrugged his shoulders and took a shirt and left.

Skip Time
bruh, it's been an hour and my mama hasn't come home yet. i decided to call cuz i'm paranoid asf.


"i'll be home in another hour."

"another hour? why-"

"no time for questions. i'll see you soon." bruh, she don't even sound like she's in the store. watch my mom come with groceries.

i swear, she be taking so much time for one thing.

another hour passed and i heard the front door open. okay, about damn time.

"zion! come down." she yelled.

i cant believe she's actually forcing me to come down with my sick self. how mean can she be?

"ma, i'm sick as heck. pls don't-"

"welcome our guest."

please, tell me this isn't a dream. because i know damn well blythe isn't standing right in front of me.

"are you real....?" i asked in disbelief. the only thing she could do was smile with her arms out. took me no time to throw myself at her. lifting her up from the ground.

"why- how?"

"be happy, sucka." she said.

"oh, i have a fever." i said backing away.

"come on, let's get you to bed." she said.

"what's with all the bags?" i asked.

"your mom wanted to buy me clothes. i don't know what she did, but i'm officially living here, since i have no family."

best. news. ever.

"wait, she ain't my step sister right? because it would be kinda sus, if i touched my step sis like that."

"like what?" mama asked.

"uhhhhhh, i'm gonna place the bags upstairs." blythe said nervously.

"go help and for the love of God, keep your hands to yourself. i don't wanna hear any screaming and moans and-"

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