Gets Harder

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Blythethe next morning, i got ready for school again

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the next morning, i got ready for school again. it was much harder and more painful because of my leg. i was thinking of skipping, but i didn't want to make zion worried. i hopped down the stairs and saw crutches on the floor. i looked confused at them and picked it up. i didn't bother to ask my father they were from, so i used them and headed out the door.

"this is so much easier." i whispered to myself.

just then zion walked down the stairs as well. he looked at me with a cute smile and walked to the bus stop. i didn't give him a smile back because i didn't want him to think i was good with him.

i hopped down the stairs and started walking in his direction. his eyes were glued to his phone. i stood next to him without saying a word. he looked at me and flashed another sweet smile. i tried my hardest not to give in and looked away.

"you're welcome." he said with his hands in his pocket.

i looked at him confused and huffed.

"for what?" i asked looking in his direction. he shook his head.

"for the crutches." he said.

i looked at the crutches with my mouth open.

"this was from you?!" i yelled. he nodded.

i began to think about what my father had said to him or if he revealed that my mom wasn't here or anything else.

"h-how did you get it in my house?" i asked with a shaky voice.

judging by his face, he could tell that i was nervous and scared.

"i gave them to your dad to give it to you."

Pure fear strike me

my heart beat started to quicken and my palms getting sweaty. we stood there for about 2 mins.

"thank you." i said not wanting to ask further questions.

he nodded unsurely as the bus pulled up. i got on the bus and sat in the back. as zion was walking in, he stared at me in confusion and sat down in his regular set. with my shaky voice and questions, i definitely showed that there was something wrong.


i went to my locker and put my crutches on another locker. i started to get my books. in the corner of my eye, i saw karen walking towards. i acted like i didn't see her and continued minding my own business, but of course, that didn't work.

"hey blythe!" she said in such a fake tone.

i shut my locker and looked at her.

"what?" i asked annoyed.

i picked up my crutches and started walking as she followed me.

"what happened to you?" she asked.

i rolled my eyes. i didn't want her pity and it was none of her business.

"screw off, karen." i said.

"i'm just trying to be nice to you." she said putting her hand on my shoulder.

i sighed and shrugged off her hand.

"i don't need you to be nice to me." i said and walked off.

i walked into class to see kyla and zion talking at my table. my heart started to be fast again. it hurt me to see them together laughing and giggling.

Pure Anger

i cleared my throat and walked in their direction. i set my bag down as they looked at me. i flashed a fake smile and quickly turned it to a frown.

"what's got your panties in a twist?" zion asked.

i gave him a stare and didn't respond.

"hey, b. i was about to text you." kyla said hugging me.

No you weren't. you were about to suck zion's teeth out.

i gave another smile and still didn't say anything. kyla looked down at the crutches on the floor and then looked at my leg.

"what the heck happened?" she asked in disbelief.

she bent down to look at me leg. in that moment, i stared at zion in anger and sadness. he gave me a concerning look with soft eyes. i shook my head in disappointment with a little smirk. she got up and looked at me. she saw the look on my face and immediately turned back to zion, who also had a look on his face.

"what's going on here?" she asked.

zion scratched his head and looked away. kyla turned her attention to me and gave me a "what was that" look.

"nothing." is all i said.

i took my seat. kyla was still standing there looking at zion. zion took her hands and said, "it's nothing." he let go and walked to his seat.
he really took her hands acting like they dating or sum. kyla sat next to me and smiled.

"i think he does like me. you were right. i should tell him how i feel." she said smiling like crazy.

i nodded and smiled. i didn't give her an answer. i felt like if i opened my mouth, not a lot of nice things would come out.

sadness came over me.

i got so mad that i snapped my pencil in class. loud enough for everyone to hear it. the class went silent and looked at me.

"what?!" i yelled in anger.

some people quickly looked away, others looked scared and zion.....looked worried. i gave him an eye roll and stared at my notebook. i don't have the right to be upset with the both of them. zion still thinks i hate him and kyla thinks the same as well. do i really hate zion??

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