End Of A Beautiful Story

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6 years later

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6 years later...
"stop running away!" i heard downstairs. of course, i woke up to the sound of screaming and yelling.

i went down the stairs and saw zion chasing our 3 year old daughter, Alanna.

"really?" i said. he scooped her up and started showering her with kisses.

"hi mommy!" she yelled running towards me with her little arms.

"hey baby. hey, you." i said.

"look who's up? lazy bum." zion said. he tried to kiss me, but i dodged it.

"that's what you get for calling me a lazy bum." i walked away with my daughter in my arms.

"oh no, you don't."

i placed my daughter down. she ran over to her play house and played with her dolls.

"what you want?" i asked him.

he pulled me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"i wanna kith." he sounded like a baby. i kissed his cheek and walked to the kitchen.

"i hate you." he said. i laughed because we all know it's not true.

"i love you too, bub." i sat on the couch with a bowl of cereal. z sat down next to me.

"what to watch...." i said to myself.

after i was done eating, i went to the kitchen and washed my bowl. again, zaddy zion wrapping his arms around my waist.

he started kissing my neck.

"zion...not now."

"pleaseeee?" he begged.

"your daughter is right there, babe. we not doing this."

he sighed sadly.

"fine, but i'll get some tonight." he said slapping my azz.

"z!" i said. he walked away laughing. that dirty boy.

"mommy, can you color with me?" alanna asked.

"of course, baby."

i took out a piece of paper and some crayons.

after a couple mins, she was done with her masterpiece.

"look! it's you, daddy and me." she said with the cutest smile.

"awwwh, z come look at this!"

"yes?" he said walking in.

"look at this drawing." i said giving it to him.

"oh, wow. only someone with incredible art skills could draw this." he said. alanna started to giggle.

"i drew it!" she said proudly.

"oh, no way!" he said. he grabbed her and kissed her on the cheek.

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