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but then....i sat there quietly.

"are you okay?" he asked. i nodded and looked away. i knew i was gonna cry. i'm such a mess. i started sniffing, so he knew there was something up.

"i'm sorry. i'm so sorry." i said trying to calm down.

"why are you apologizing? and why are you crying? does it hurt that bad?" he said looking at my leg once more. i lifted up my head and stared at him.

"yeah, it hurt a lot. could i get some pills?" i asked. he nodded and ran up the stairs again. it didn't hurt as bad, but the truth was, i didn't want him to see my breakdown. he's gonna start asking more questions. 'why can't you go home?' 'what are you so afraid of?' i calmed myself down and stared at my leg. "there's no one way i'm walking on this." i said.

"got da drugs." he said in a funny accent. i rolled my eyes and took them. "don't you want some.." before he could finish his sentence, i swallowed the drugs with no liquid. "water..." he finished off. "or not." he said nodding his head.

"i'm sorry. i'll be outta here in no time." i said exhausted.

"you look tired. you can stay here for some time."

"no, why would i stay with the guy that's ruined my life so many times?" i said placing the pill bottle on the table. he shook his head and looked at me.

"i was young and dumb."
"you still are." i said.

"i've changed okay? i really want us to be friends." he said placing his hand on mine.

"nahhh, bitch you just wanna screw things up for me again. i've learned my lesson the first time." i said removing my hand.

"i helped you out of a bush and fixed your leg." he said slightly yelling. i put my hand up and shook my head.

"i didn't ask you to. i told you to leave, but you did it, so it was your choice."

"yeah, damn right it was. i wanted to help you." he said with soft eyes. he looked sincere, but i felt like it was one of his tricks, so i looked away.

"anyway, i'll be on my way." i said trying to get it. "CRAP!" i yelled and fell back down. he got up and picked me off the ground. "ok that's enough. no more touching." i said pushing him away. he smirked at my attempt to stand on my own. "stop laughing at me!" i yelled.

"i'm not laughing." he said with a chuckle.

"yes you are! i can see your face. i'm not blind." i said trying to support myself. "woah!" i said as i fell into zion's arms. we both laughed and stared at each other. if i had a dollar every time we looked into each other's eyes, i could be rich.

"let me help." he said in a soft tone. i felt soft for a moment.

"i got this." i responded with a serious face. i hopped to the door. he ran after me. "whatttt?!!" i yelled.

"you said you jumped out of the window because of your dad?" he asked. i stood there and gulped.

"nevermind that." i said trying to look convincing.

"where's your mom?" he asked. another question that i don't want to answer.

"she's on a business trip." i said nodding. he nodded back, but i could tell he was suspicious.  "anyway, i'll be on my way."

"at least let me walk you." he insisted.

"NO!" i fake coughed. "i mean....maybe next time?" he put up a thumbs up and closed the door. i kinda hate lying to him. he was only trying to help and i'm being so difficult. But the stupid idiot should know where he stands in my life. now the question is....where will i stay? i cant do home or stay at his place of course. i have school tomorrow too, UGH! a-am i homeless????

hi bishes•

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