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Blytheafter the hospital, they told us to go home, if anything happens, they'll call his mother

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after the hospital, they told us to go home, if anything happens, they'll call his mother.

i don't think i've ever felt such regret in my life. i could've done so much better. i could've told him that i actually cared for him, but i didn't.

i sat in my bed and looked up at the ceiling.

"how...?" i whispered.

i curled up in my bed and cried myself to sleep.


school. i know i didn't have to go, but i wanted a distraction from yesterday. i knew that people at school found out and will start asking questions.

i got ready and avoided my dad at all costs. i took my pills for my leg and started down the stairs.

i looked across my house and stared at his place. he used to be done the same time i was...

tears started forming in my eyes. i quickly gathered myself and took a deep breath.

he's gonna be okay, blythe. you'll visit him today...

i said to myself. i got on the bus and immediately got all eyes on me. i looked at everyone confused and sat down in my usual seat. i hate attention and people staring at me..


i finally arrived at the school building. i quickly speed walked to my locker, avoiding eye contact with everyone.

"hey, you okay?" a girl asked.

i didn't say anything, i just nodded my head.

"i'm so sorry about your boyfriend. i'm praying for him and you." she said and hugged me.

it took me some time to hug back. it felt good to know someone was thinking of me.

she let go and gave me a warm smile.

super weird...

i walked into first period and of course, everyone looked at me.

three girls walked up to me to tell me how sorry they felt.

"i cant imagine how you must feel." one said.

"hey, blythe..." karen said.

"look, i'm not in the mood for this man."

"no, i wanted to say sorry for everything."


she took my hand.

"i shouldn't have done those things to you. wasn't very cool of me. i don't except you to forgive me." she let go of my hand and walked away.

wow, even the worse people can feel bad.

"hey, you can sit with us." zion's friends said.


"were you two actually dating?" austin asked.

i shook my head and looked down at the desk.

"this is crazy, man."

brandon just sat there with his hands folded.

"are you okay, brandon?" i asked.

he looked at me and shook his head. he started crying.

"hey, it's gonna be okay, okay? he's gonna be fine." i said and hugged him.

he hugged back and cried in my shoulder.

"i'm scared." edwin said.

"we all are." nick chimed in.

the bell rang. we sat down in our seats and barely paid attention.

"hello, class. we have very sad news about new student zion kuwonu. he has passed away in a car crash yesterday afternoon."

how can she say that? he's not dead? he's not!

"how could you say that?! he's not DEAD! why would you tell us that!?" i yelled with cries.

"i mean, the accident was pretty bad, so i was assuming-"

"don't assume!! zion is fine guys....he will be fine. he's not dead....he's not." i cried.

i stormed out of the classroom furious.

she can't just say he's dead. she got me messed up.

i walked to the hospital in the freezing cold. i just wanted to see his face again. i missed the cute names he would call me and the stupid corny pick up lines he would use....i miss him in general...i miss his laugh and smile and when he would break out stupid dance moves. he would make everyone smile and feel happy. that's what he was good at....and now, i might never see or hear these things again.....

damn, imagine if zion did get in a deadly crash.....i wouldn't stop crying man....anyways, comment and vote

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