Time Together

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Blythei took about an hour nap

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i took about an hour nap. it sucks being stuck at the hospital. same thing everyday, nothing fun.

ansley visits me still. she feels bad, but nothing is really her fault.

"hey, i got you some of that chick-fil-a you wanted." zion came back. i smiled at the sight of food.

"yayyy, you're the best." i said taking the bag.

he looked nervous.

"you good?" i asked eating a fry.

"i don't want to keep anything from you. you deserve to know."

"what is it?"


"just spit it out." i chuckled.

"i went to your house to check on your dad, like you wanted and...." he paused.

"and what?" i said getting nervous.

"he's....dead. i-i think he drunk himself to death...i'm sorry."

i sat there and stared at a wall. i honestly didn't know how to feel. should i be happy that my rapist is dead or be sad that i have no family left?

"it's okay to cry, all right?" he took my hand.

"i'm not...gonna cry." i said taking a deep ass breath.

"you're not? i thought you cared for his well being?"

"it doesn't matter anymore. he's dead. he deserved to die." i said blankly. i guess that shocked him.

"okay, well-"

"i'm sorry you had to see his body. how'd it look?"

he sighed.

"it was....awful, blythe. he looked like he'd been dead for days. he had vomit and alcohol covered on him and-" he paused.

poor zion. must have been awful for him to see.

"i'm so sorry. i shouldn't have asked you to go to my house."

"hey, it's not your fault. how were you suppose to know?"

after everything, he still stayed by my side. how? i've been so rude to him. for what? the past? gosh, i'm such a bitch.

"hey z?"


"i'm sorry for being so mean to you in the beginning. i just hated you for all you put me through, but now i know that i shouldn't be hooked up on the past."

"and i'm sorry for putting you through a lot when we were kids." we smiled at each other.

oh, how i'm so grateful to have someone like zion by my side.

"i stan you." i said.

"is that your way of saying 'i love you' without really saying it?" he laughed.

"take it like you want it."

"it's okay, i love you too. at least, i'm man enough to say it."

"oh, shut it. who said i loved you?"

"my heart."

whatta goof.

"when are you getting out of here?" he asked.

"apparently, soon."

"how soon is soon?" he asked.

"like a month soon."

"A MONTH? hell nah, i'm breaking you out."

i laughed.

"you do know that i could've died right? i have to be 100%."

"ya look 100% to me, girl."

you honestly can't get tired of zion. he's such a goof ball.

"your future girlfriend is so lucky."

"why's that?"

"because, she's not gonna be able to breathe. you make me laugh all the time and you bought me food. what kinda girl isn't gonna love that?"

"i mean, i guessss, she'll be a little lucky."

"she'll be very lucky."

"i wonder who my future girlfriend is. she could be on the other side of the world OR she could be just a couple inches away."

i know damn well he ain't implying me.

"nigga who you implying?"

"ohh no oneee." he dragged on.

"i am not gonna be your future girlfriend."

"i didn't say you were, hot stuff."

"you fucking weirdo."

"gimme kiss kiss."

"ew, EW zion. get away." i said.

"you know you want to."

"don't you dare. ewww." he kissed my cheek.

"was that so hard?"

"you're never doing that again."

"ooo, i cant wait til you get out of this damn hospital. i won't play nice."

"all of a sudden, i wanna stay here."

"wow, i see you." he said sadly.

"i still love you, but i don't wanna get crushed by yo big ass."

"ahhh, you said you loved me."

"don't get your titties in a bunch." i said rolling my eyes.

"imagine having tits."

"i can definitely relate." he looked at my breast with wide eyes.

"can you really?"

"i hate you so much!" i smacked his arm.


"you know i have boobs sir."

"yeah yeah, i know."

now we know what this boi be staring at.

"how long are you staying?"

"how long do you want me to stay?"

"forever." i said pouting.

"you're so in love with me."

"oh yeah, totally. i got da HOTS for you."

his eyes grew wide.

"you better get out this damn hospital. i'm growing impatient."

"what the hell you gonna do?"

"you'll just have to wait and find out."

idk how long our conversation went on, but it went on for awhile. zion with his cheesy jokes and constant flirting, didn't bother me. i mean, it's zion kuwonu. i love da boy to death. i cant wait to get out of the hospital.

do you ship or WHATT
this story is almost over, BUT i got a BOMB idea for a brandon arreaga story✨🙈

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