Bonus Chapter

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Blytheit's christmas eve and zion's family is about to arrive at any moment

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it's christmas eve and zion's family is about to arrive at any moment. i don't know what's wrong with me, because i've known zion's mom forever. why am i kinda nervous?

"you ready?" zion asked with his phone in his hand.

"why did you put the cups on the LEFT side of the plates?!" i yelled setting them right.

"does it matter?"

"yes, this has to be absolutely perfect for your family-"

"why are you stressing out so much?" he asked walking in my direction.

"what? i'm not stressing out."

"you literally yelled at me like five mins ago about putting the napkins on the right side of the plates." he laughed.

"oh, i did? oh, sorry." i said softly.

he took my hands. i felt kinda bad for yelling at him for no reason. i didn't feel like facing him.

"look at me, please." i looked up.

"i'm sorry for my behavior." i sighed.

"what's up with you? why are you so determined to make everything look spotless?"

"i don't know. like i want everything to look good and everyone to be happy. i wanna impress your mom."

"my mom has known you since you were 5. she's completely in love with the fact that we're together. she loves you. you don't need to go all out for her." he hugged me.

i guess that made me feel a little bit better.

"mommy daddy! is grandma here yet??" alanna ran down the stairs. she was wearing her christmas pjs.

"not yet, but she'll be here soon." zion told her.

"why don't you go play in your play house and we'll tell you when grandma gets here, okay?" i told her. she nodded and ran to her play house.

i sighed again.

"stop stressing!" he said.

"i'm trying. gimme hug." i had my arms opened out like i was a baby.

"i love you." i said in his chest.

"i love you too, baby." just then, someone rang the door bell.

"annnnd the stress is back." i said letting go of him.

"calm yo tits." he said walking to the door.

"hey, zion." his mom hugged him. keke and elom followed behind.

"where's my favorite girl?" mandy said as alanna ran up to her.

"grandma!" she yelled as mandy was showering her with kisses.

i stood there looking around to see if everything looks nice. i didn't know zion was walking towards me.

"go." he said with a smile. i sighed and walked up to the family.

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