Attempt Muder?

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Blythei woke up with a massive headache

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i woke up with a massive headache. i twisted and groaned out of my bed. i looked at my phone and say another message from kyla.

"meet me by the lockers." the message said.

i rolled my eyes and didn't respond. i didn't have time for her.

i got ready for school and hopped on the bus with my one properly functioning leg.

it's been months and i haven't seen a proper doctor. i don't know how long i'm suppose to keep this wrap on.

when i arrived, kyla was standing by my locker. i rolled my eyes.

"can you please move?" i asked with a fake smile.

"can we speak?" she said moving out the way.

"nope." i said opening the locker.

i got my books and waited for her to leave.

"why are you still here?"

"i know you're not happy with me, but you need a friend right now." she said opening her arms.

"sis, i got brandon, austin, edwin and nick. i don't need anyone else."

"i thought that, now that zion is out of the picture, we could go back to how we were." she said in a low tone.

"what is wrong with you? he's not out of the picture! leave me alone, kyla. for good." i said.

i walked away and went to my class. i saw karen and she waved. i gave. a small smile and walked back to zion's friends.

"did you get any news on him?" edwin asked.

i shook my head and looked down.

brandon had his hands in a praying position.

"i'm sorry." i said tearing up.

"heyyy, don't be sorry." nick said pulling me into a hug.

"i miss him."

"we all do." he said.

αfтєя ѕ¢нσσℓ•

walking out with my trusty crutches, only to be stopped by kyla...again.

"what did i tell you?!" i yelled at her.

"at least, let me give you a ride home." she said.

i looked in her car and noticed, that in the back seat, there were sum pliers.

"why do you have pliers?"

"why is that your business?" she asked madly.

"yeah, i'm walking." i said passing her.

it's funny how bitches turn into my fans✨🙈. (i had to)

when i arrived home, i decided to visit the kuwonu family. the possibility of losing a son, is most likely the worst feeling in the world.

i knocked on the door. elom looked at me with puffy eyes. it hurts me to see him like this.

"i'm sorry." he said giving me a hug.

i was shocked by the hug and didn't hug back bc of my crutches.

"s-sorry" he said again leading me inside.

i walked inside and set my crutches down. i hopped towards elom and finally gave him a hug. he cried on my shoulder.

"i....just want him to be okay." he said between his sobs. i started crying a little too.

"zion doesn't speed. even when he's upset, man knows to be safe on the road here." elom said looking at me.

"we got into an argument, so he was upset."

"no, there has to be more, i just know it."

"hello, blythe." keke said giving me a hug.

"i know this must be so hard for you." she said.

"what? much more harder for you! i cant imagine what you're going through."

she rubbed my back.

"how's your leg?" she asked.


elom jetted up the stairs.

"i'm sorry. he's just a little shaken up, that's all." she said.

i nodded.

"so, do you know when they think he's gonna wake up?" i asked.

"tomorrow, actually. if he doesn't, then they are gonna have to do a test." she nodded.

"all right..." i said shaking.

"everything is gonna be okay. trust me."

i forced a smile.

"do you think zion would speed?"

"no, i know him. whether he's mad or happy, he knows that messing around in the road is no joke. he watched way too many youtube videos about deadly car crashes and stuff. he knows better. something happened to him."

i narrowed my eyes and nodded.

"i'll be right back." i said jetting out of the room.

i'm praying to God that zion wakes up. if he does i can finally be okay again. if what keke is saying is true, then this turns into a attempt murder, but who would wanna murder zion?

ѕσяяу ι нανє иσ вєєи α¢тινє, ι нανє ѕтяєρ тняσαт ✨🙈

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