News And Rumors

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Blythewell, crap

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well, crap. i ran out of alcohol, great. walking into school was a bust. don't know why everyone is staring at me like i killed someone.

"how can you do that to zion?" a girl came up to me and asked.

"i didn't do shit to zion." i said.

she shook her head and walked away.

the hell is she on about? i walked into first period.

"hey guys." i greeted zion's friends.

"did you try to kill zion because he was with your friend?" austin asked.

"the hell? no i didn't."

"did you fucking kill zion?!" brandon yelled.

"the fuck you on about? first of all, zion isn't dead and second of all, i didn't do shit! what's going on?" i yelled in his face.

"there's a rumor going around. everyone is saying you have something to do with zion's accident." nick added.

"and why the hell would i do that? you guys know how much this has hurt me and how much i care about that boy." i said with tears.

"of course, i don't believe it, but i can't speak for the others." edwin said.

"already looks like brandon believed it." i said crossing my arms.

he looked down and answered with a low voice.

"i'm sorry. i just miss him and i know you wouldn't do that. i mean, how could you? you're in love with him." he said and chuckled.

"i'm not in love with him."

"oh just face it, blythe. we all know you like him."

i rolled my eyes and sat down in my seat.

school was a blur. i barely listened to the lessons that were taught and i didn't even get the homework.

i wanna know who started this rumor that i had something to do with zion's accident. i knew who to go to.

"what's wrong with you?" i yelled and pushed her.

"the hell blythe?! kyla yelled.

"how could you? you really want me back? you're gonna have to try harder!"

"what are you speaking about??"

"you told people that i had something to do with zion's accident! how crazy are you?"

"you're the one that's crazy! i didn't do anything this time."

"this time? have you done other things before?"

"no! just leave me alone because i didn't do anything. when i heard the rumor i was surprised too."

"okay, then who else would do this? huh? you really think i would believe you?" i asked.

"of course you wouldn't." she said.

"just be honest. i'm already going through enough and honesty can really help right now." i said calmly.

"i don't know, okay?"

i sighed and looked down.

"i gotta go see zion." i said without looking at her.

"can i come with?"

i looked up at her and gave her a weird look.

"why do you wanna come with now?" i asked.

"it may not seem like it, but i care about zion."

"sure, just let me-"

i was interrupted by the ringing of my phone.

"hold on." i said holding up a finger.

"hey elom. yeah? woah woah, slow down! tell me what happened. right now?-"

"what happened?" kyla asked.

"i don't know, he was speaking too fast. something happened at the hospital." i said.

i started running in the direction of the hospital. my heart was pumping out of my chest. i could hear kyla's footsteps behind me. a tear fell down my cheek, thinking about the worst thing that could happen. is he dead or alive?

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