Best friend?

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Zioni hopped down the stairs and greeted the fam

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i hopped down the stairs and greeted the fam.

"is blythe coming down?" keke asked.

"yeah, i think she's getting ready to leave."

my mama and sister started to look at each other with worried faces.

"she can leave right?"

"i don't know if that's best." mama said.

"y'all talking like she yo hostage. you mind telling me what in the world is happening?" i demanded.

"zion, you still is not the time." keke said.

"hey y'all." i heard behind me. sweet innocent blythe.

"hey." they all said with fake smiles on their faces.

what the hell is happening?"

i think i walked in at the wrong time. it looked like a serious conversation they were having.

"hey y'all." i said.

"hey." they all immediately started smiling except for zion. he looked annoyed.

"we made y'all breakfast. how'd you sleep blythe?" mandy asked.

"well." again zion still looked pissed off.

"you okay, z?" i asked.

he nodded and looked away. again, i feel like i'm causing problems and making this family collapse. i need to leave today and mandy nor keke can keep me.

"i'll be out of y'all hair today. i'm leaving." i said with confidence.

of course mandy and keke looked worried. elom was just enjoying the show.

"you think that's best hunny?" mandy asked.

i nodded. zion looked at the two with a cheeky smile. maybe he wanted me to leave.

"i'll get my bag." i said. i got up and placed my plate in the sink.

"i'll help you." mandy insisted, but zion shut that down fast.

"nah, you've done the most. i'll help her."

there's clearly tension between the son and mother. i hope i'm not the cause of it.

"you good?" he asked.

"yep." i didn't face him. i just packed my stuff.

"hey." he said sitting next to me.

i sighed and looked up at him.


"is there something going on?"

"i should be asking you the same thing. what's up with you and your mom?"

"i asked a question first, missy."

"there isn't anything going on. your mom and sister are just worries about me."

"why are they worried about you?"

bc i'm an underage alcoholic and they think i'm gonna kill myself.

"i don't know. they're overprotective."

"i pissed at my mom because she won't let you go. she's acting like she owns you. i mean, i know you aren't here for me, but-"

"i'm here for you. always. you're my...."


"my best friend."

he nodded.

"i'm glad i'm your best friend." he smiled.

he seems to have no problem with just being friends, so i'm not even gonna try. i was hoping for a different reaction. a reaction that would reassure me that he wanted more, but of course, my expectations were high. do i want him? i believe so. i mean, i'm happy when i'm around him. do i just want to be friends? i guess not. if it bothers me that he's okay with just being friends, then i definitely have feelings that i'm never going to admit to him. i knew it. he doesn't like me like that, so i have to move on.

"what's with the sad face?" he asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"nothing. i'm going to come back to check on you." i gave him a hug and walked out of his room.

i don't know what today has planned for me, but i have feeling it's gonna be something crazy....again.

best friend she says. i'll take what i can get. after all, i treated her like a piece of crap when we were younger. was i sad about it? not at all. i never thought i could get on blythe's good side. i was happy about it, actually. never in a million years would i thought, that blythe would call me her best friend. do i want more? i honestly don't know. i'm definitely not good for her. i'll definitely hurt her and i never wanna do that.

"why did you let her leave?" my mom yelled bursting through my door.

"because she has a life, other than staying here, ma." i sighed in annoyance.

"zion, she's in trouble."

"how much trouble?" i asked getting concerned.

"things aren't right at home."

"i know that."

"you know? and did nothing?"

"i helped her."

"how so? what happened?"

i don't think it's my place to tell her that she was raped, but then again, blythe needs help.

"doesn't matter."

"it does. you better start talking, boy."

"why should i tell you anything? you're not even honest with me. it's not even my place to tell her story. you're gonna have to wait, just like me."

"zion, if she's in trouble, we need to step in and help even more."

"you don't think i've tried? you're not the only one worried, ma. please, just go before i lose it."

she left without saying a word. things are about to get even worse around here....

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