Miracle or Last Breath

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Zion1 month

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1 month..
it's been a month since you've been here...

2 months..
your heart stopped beating on it's own...they had to hook you up on something...

3 months..
elom's stupid ass broke his nose...you would've loved to see it.

4 months...
yesterday, you moved your fingers...doctor said there's some progress...

5 months..
did you have to wait this long for me? it's killing me everyday..

6 months..
my leg is completely healed! ugh, i wish you could be here...

it's been 6 months and she hasn't woken up. this has been complete torture. she's made some movements and improvements, but hasn't opened her eyes. the ringing of my phone interrupt my thoughts.

"z? come to the hospital."

"is she awake?!" i yelled.

"please...just come."

Skip Time
i ran into the hospital and saw everyone gathered around her.

"what's going on?" i asked.

"it's been too long...it's time, z." keke said.

"what the hell are you saying?" i asked knowing exactly what she meant.

"we decided that it should be your choice. you wanna end her suffering or make her hold on a bit longer?"

what the hell kinda question is that? of course, i want her to hang on longer! but then again....i don't want her to be in all this pain and suffering. she doesn't deserve that.

"i..i can't." i said placing my hand on her cheek.

"it's okay, z. take your time."

"blythe? sweetie? i don't wanna end it like this. i don't want you to leave me. it's been so fucking hard these past 6 months. i never thought this was the day i had to let you go..."

i held her hand and squeezed it tightly. i place a kiss on her forehead.

"ready?" the doctor asked.

as i was about to let go, i felt a grip on my hand.

"doc? don't do it yet! she's holding my hand!" i said with tears.

"what?!" mama exclaimed.

"blythe? blythe? can you hear me? squeeze my hand if you can hear me." i got another squeeze.

"she can hear me!!" i yelled.

hugs were shared around the place.

"we were just about to pull the plug..." i sobbed.

"she could've been gone like that." elom cried as well.

"we're gonna have to ask you to leave, so we can run some tests, okay?" i nodded.

we sat there and waited.

"how you feeling?" keke sat next to me.

"so much better. she's gonna come back to us." i smiled to myself.

"have you heard from her father?"

"no, actually. i saw him the day she was taken to the hospital."

"rapist..." she whispered.

"you know?" i asked.

"you knew?!" she yelled.

"hey, she didn't want me to tell anyone. i helped her get back on her feet. please, don't give me a whole lecture on how to take care of a girl and shit. be happy she's alive."

she sighed.

"if y'all end up dating, which is most likely gonna happen, she's not gonna let you sleep with her, so keep your hands to yourself."

"and why is that?"

"if she was raped, then she wouldn't wanna be touched like that for awhile."

i nodded.

"i guess that makes sense, but what makes you think i wanna have sex? you weird ass."

"judging my your personality, you the freaky kind."

"fuck offfff." i laughed.

we laughed together.

"any news?" we heard our mother speaking to the doctor. we quickly got up and entered the conversation.

"see for yourself.." he opened the door.

a half awake melanin sweetheart started coughing. i..i can't believe it.

"oh my gosh, BLYTHE!" i yelled. i charged at her with a big hug.

"i'm sorry? who are you?" she asked.

"no...no! it's zion..you're best friend! come on.."

she slowly began to form a smile on her face.

"you little snake!" i said hugging her again.

"it's good to see you, z." she smiled.

"i...i can't believe you're back...you're finally back...oh gosh, it's been awful without you. we have so much to catch up on."

5 hours later
"he broke his nose?!" she laughed.

"yep, stupid idiot thought he could do a back flip."

the laughs stopped and came to a sigh.

"i missed your laugh."

"i'm glad you're here." she said.

"zion? it's time to go." my mom said.

"all right, definitely coming back tomorrow. you should call ansley, she's nice." i smiled.

i wasn't the biggest fan of ansley, but blythe seems to like her so, it is what it is.

"i like seeing you happy again." my mom said.

"well, it was hard to be happy without my source of happiness."

"yeah, you're gonna date her. no questions." she said exiting the car. i laughed because i wanted the same, but now is not that right time.

i loved hearing her voice and laugh today. oh wow, today is the best day of my life. i've never been so over joyed before. she's actually awake and breathing. i told you she was a fighter..

i̫s̫ t̫h̫i̫s̫ g̫o̫o̫d̫ n̫e̫w̫s̫ o̫r̫ w̫h̫a̫t̫?!

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